सीतानाथ समारम्भां रामानन्दार्य मध्यमाम्।

अस्मदाचार्य पर्यन्तां वन्दे श्रीगुरू परम्पराम् ।।

Four-Vaishnava Sampradaya :

Four Vaishnava Sampradayas are:-

1) Śrī Saṁpradāya (Ramavat or Ramanand Sampradaya) :- Param-Acharya : Bhagavati Sita Ji

2) Brahmā Sampradaya (Madhva Sampradaya) :- Param-Acharya : Brahmā Ji

3) Rudra Sampradaya (Vishnu-swami Sampradaya) :- Param-Acharya: Bhagavan Shankar Ji

4) Sanakadik Sampradaya (Nimbarka Sampradaya) :- Param-Acharya : Sanakadik Muni

Original Sri Sampradaya among Chatuh (4) Vaishnava Sampradayas

In the Galata conference (around in 1719) of Vaishnavas belonging to different sects, among Vaishnava Chatuh-Sampradaya (four Vaishnava-lineages), the Ramanandi-s the disciplic descendents of Bhagavad Ramananda represented the Sri sect (Sri-Sampradaya). And they were recognized historically the original members of the Vaishnava chatuh sampradaya (four bonafide Vaishnava Sampradayas) together with the sects founded by Nimbarka, Madhvacarya, and Visnuswami. And a new arrangement was sealed by the subdivision of the four sects into fifty-two "doors" (dvaras). Each door, or a spiritual clan, was said to have been established by a prominent Vaishnava ascetic who was a spiritual descendant of Jagadguru Ramanand, Jagadguru Nimbarka, Jagadguru Madhvacharya, Jagadguru Visnuswami. All members of the four main Vaisnavite sects traced their spiritual descent back to a founder of a spiritual clan. Anyone who could not trace his descent back to the founder of a spiritual clan was not a member of any of the four sects of the catuh sampradaya. Of the fifty-two spiritual clans (52 dvaras), thirty-six were founded by Ramanandi ascetics and twelve were founded by Nimbarki ascetics. The remaining four spiritual clans were founded by ascetics of the Madhvacarya, and Visnuswami sects. The thirty-six founders of the Ramanandi spiritual clans fall within the first and sixth generations of Ramanand's descendants. Following Nabha Ji's list of twelve disciples, twenty-seven spiritual clans were founded by Anantanand and his descendants; four spiritual clans were founded by Sursurananda and his descendants. Śrī Sukhānand, Śrī Naraharyānand, Śrī Bhāvānandajī, and Śrī Pīpājī each founded a spiritual clan. Thus, Sri Ramanandi sect is the original Sri Sampradaya, and It became the largest Vaishnava sect in India with 36 Dvaras (spiritual clans) out of total 52 dvaras. In every meeting of the four bonafide Vaishnava-sects, Ramanand Sampradaya represents the Sri-Sect.

Bhagavad Ramanuja's sect an idependent branch of eternal Sri-Sampradaya. There are only regional or time differences, not the philosophical differences between the Ramanandi-sect and Ramanuji-sect. Both follow the same Vishishtadvaita philosophy and have everything same, except in place of Sita-Ram, Lakshmi-Narayan are taken as Avatari-Swaurpa of Bhagavan in Ramanuji-sect.

If fact their is an official book of chatuh Sampraday to know about 4 vaishnav Sampraday, which have been approved by all 4 vaishnav sampraday;



Here is the letter of Acharya's of vaishnav sampraday for this official Book;


This is the letter of the Śrīmad Vishvesha Tirth Swami Ji, Pejavar Matha, Uduppi, Karnataka (From Brahma Madhva Sampraday)


This letter is from Nimbark Sampraday congratulating on the launching official Book for Chatuh Sampraday.



So please read the official book to know more about all 4 original Vāishnav Sampraday.

Infact Śrī saṁpradāya lineage has been mentioned in Vedās as it's lineage goes like;


Proofs from Vedas;

कृमिकीटादयोऽप्याशु मुक्ताः सन्तु न चान्यथा ।।

अविमुक्ते तव क्षेत्रे सर्वेषां मुक्तिसिद्धये ।

अहं संन्निहितस्तत्र पाषाणप्रतिमादिषु ।।

क्षेत्रेऽस्मिन्योऽर्चयेद्भक्त्या मन्त्रेणानेन मां शिव ।

ब्रह्महत्यादिपापेभ्यो मोक्षयिष्यामि मा शुचः ।।

त्वत्तो वा ब्रह्मणो वापि ये लभन्ते षडक्षरम् ।

जीवन्तो मन्त्रसिद्धाः स्युर्मुक्ता मां प्राप्नुवन्ति ते ।।

मुमूर्षोर्दक्षिणे कर्णे यस्य कस्यापि वा स्वयम् ।

उपदेक्ष्यसि मन्मन्त्रं स मुक्तो भविता शिव ।।

(Atharvavedā Shrüti Ram UttarTapniye Upänīshad Part 1)

Main highlighted translation;

Lord Rama said:-Those who take initiation (Disksha) of this Shadakshar mantra (Ram Ramaya Namah) from you or Brahmaji, the mantras are proven while alive, after completing body time they attain me by being free from birth and death.

You can see in above image that Śrī Brahma Ji comes in direct vedic lineage of Śrī Sampraday as mentioned in Vedas.

Now next one;

ऐहिकेषु च कार्येषु महापत्सु च सर्वदा ॥
नैव योज्यो राममन्त्रः केवलं मोक्षसाधकः ऐहिके समनुप्राप्ते मां स्मरेद् रामसेवकम् ॥
यो रामं संस्मरेन्नित्यं भक्त्या मनुपरायणः ।
तस्याहमिष्टसंसिद्ध्यै दीक्षितोऽस्मि मुनिश्वराः ॥
वाञ्छितार्थं प्रदास्यामि भक्तानां राघवस्य तु सर्वथा जागरूकोऽस्मि रामकार्यधुरंधरः ॥

(Atharvavedā Shrüti Ram Rahasyopanisad 4/10-13)

Translation of Main highlights: Lord Hanuman said~ I have taken initiation (Mantra Diksha) and I will fulfill the desires of those who engage in chanting mantras with daily devotion and remember Lord Rama. I will surely grant the desired objects to the devotees of Sri Raghunathji.

And Śrī Hanuman Ji comes in direct vedic lineage of Śrī Sampraday at number 3.

इममेव मनुं पूर्व साकेतपतिर्मामवोचत् अहं हनुमते मम प्रियाय प्रियतराय । स वेद वेदिने ब्रह्मणे स वशिष्ठाय स पराशराय । स व्यासाय । स शुकाय इत्येषोपनिषत् । इत्येषाग्रह्मविद्या ।

Atharvavedā Shrüti Maithilimahopanishad

Here Śrimati Sītā Maharani is telling that she got Mantra from SaketPati Sri Rama after than she passed it to his beloved bhakt Śrī Hanuman after that Sri Hanuman ji passed it to Brahmā ji from Brahmā ji to Parāshara to Vyäsa to Shukacharya.

From Bhajan Ratnavali published around 126 years ago;

रामानन्दो निम्बादित्योविष्णुस्वामिश्रीमाधवः।
चत्वारो भगवद्भक्ताः जगती धर्म स्थापकाः एतेषां अनुयायिनोद्वि पंचाशद्विजज्ञिरे ॥

From above it has been cleared that original Śrī saṁpradāya's lineage has been mentioned in Vedas.

And also in Agastyā Samhitā Śrī saṁpradāya's has been told to that one in which Shadakshar Brahma Tarak Mantra is given;

मुने सभगवान्नित्यं सुतीक्ष्ण जगदीश्वरः ।
सत्यसंधो हरिर्जातो विधास्यति शुभं नृणाम् ॥
श्रीसंप्रदायश्रेष्ठञ्च जनोद्धारपरं सदा ।
विज्ञाय राघवानन्दं लब्ध्वा तस्मात् षडक्षरम् ॥

(Agastyā Samhitā Chapter 132)

So these were official 4 Samprādayas which have been mentioned in scriptures;

See Bhavishya Purān Prati Sarg Khand 2 Adhyaya 32


इत्युक्त्वा स्वस्य विम्बस्य तेजोराशि समं ततः ।

समुत्पाद्य कृतं काश्यां रामानन्दस्ततोऽभवत् ॥

निम्बादित्य (तत्रैव)

कलौ भयानके देवा मदंशो हि जनिष्यति ।

निम्बादित्य इति ख्यातो देवकार्यं करिष्यति ॥

मध्वाचार्य (तत्रैव)

इत्युक्त्वा भगवान् सूर्यो देवकार्यार्थमुद्यतः ।

स्वाङ्गात् तु तेज उत्पाद्य वृन्दावनमपेषयत् ।।

तेभ्यश्च वैष्णवीं शक्तिं प्रददौ भुक्ति मुक्तिदाम् ।

मध्वाचार्य इति ख्यातः प्रसिद्धोऽभून्महीतले ।

विष्णु स्वामी (तत्रैव)

अष्टविंशे कलौ प्राप्ते स्वयं जाता कलिञ्जरे ।

शिवदत्तस्य तनयो विष्णुशर्मेति विश्रुतः ॥

इत्युक्त्वा तु ते सर्वे प्रशस्य बहुधा हि तम् ।

विष्णुस्वामीति तं नाम्ना कथाश्चक्रुश्च हर्षिताः ॥

Now again from Padmā Purān ( Shlokas are mentioned in शब्दकल्पद्रुम and in वाचस्पत्यभिधान.

अतः कलौ भविष्यन्ति चत्वारः सम्प्रदायिनः ।

श्री माध्विरुद्रसनका वैष्णवाः क्षितिपावनाः ॥

रामानन्दो हविष्याशी निम्बार्कश्च महेश्वरि ॥


Thank you for reading, to know more about 4 vaishnav sampraday please purchase Chatuh Sampraday Digdarshan as this book is official it will clear your all doubts regarding all 4 vaishnav sampraday.

Please Chant SitaRam SitaRam SitaRam

Hail to Priya Pritam Sarkar ❤️

Hail to Ānand Bhāshyakār Śrīmad Jagādgurü Ramānandacharya 🚩

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