
It had been a long enough drive from West Virginia to Canada, and then another two hours beyond the border at Fort Erie. You never know what is going to happen at the border with custom authorities. There is really not much to worry about, though. Those of us in the car – Krishna Kala, Stephen, and I, are natural citizens.

"Are you bringing in alcohol...?" etc.


"Where did you go?"

"West Virginia."

"What did you do?"

"Had a men's retreat. Put on a drama."

"How do you know each other?"

"We are part of the same community – Hare Krishna!"

The officer noticed my orange/mustard clothes. Admitting we seemed to be having fun and are committed to doing so without smokes and liquor, the guy expressed in a jolly way, "You guys are encouraging me to go back to church again."

That's truly all travellers need on a stretch of a journey – a little bit of lightness and brightness along the way.

Now, after a decent sleep, Michael and I took advantage of the gorgeous day to trek to, and in, the ravine. We met Susan Austin along the way. She is with the group called Avenue Road Coalition which is a committee pushing for wider sidewalks in an area near our temple ashram. I explained to her our sensitivity towards space for both pedestrians and motorists. Our community members have a tough time finding parking. Our congregation comes a long distance to attend services. There's so little space. Michael and I continued down the ravine soaking in sun and shade, and greeting walkers.

12254140878?profile=RESIZE_400xSource: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/not-much-to-worry-about

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