
Vani School, a new online learning platform, aims to connect subscribers with established and professional teachers from the diverse yoga landscape and culture and features many devotees known to the ISKCON family. The initiative was inspired by the vision of Radhanath Swami to offer a single platform to showcase some of the most influential young Bhakti yoga teachers who are serving throughout the world. Users can access a select collection of video master classes covering a wide range of topics such as well-being, yoga, relationships, meditation, and ayurveda, all presented through the “lens” of Bhakti.

The platform offers a unique opportunity to learn from some of the best in their respective fields, enabling deep learning, transformation, and the pursuit of meaningful goals in life. In a recent interview on the Wisdom Of The Sages Podcast, Bhagavatananda Das, the team leader of Vani School, explained, “There was no platform that brought all of these teachers together to share their boundless contribution through the lens of Bhakti.” Vani School bridges this gap by uniting expert teachers from various domains, where their teachings, infused with the essence of Bhakti, can be easily accessed. 

Vani School boasts an impressive lineup of renowned teachers who bring their expertise and experience to the platform. Notable teachers include Raghunath, Jahnavi Harrison, Yogi Charu, Vera Tansey, and Bhuta Bhavana. 

Jahnavi’s course, “Heal With Sound,” explores the transformative power of sound on the body and mind over 29 sessions. Raghunath’s “Life Upgraded” is a 21-day master class offering practical lessons based on the wisdom of the Gita, Bhagavatam, Ramayana, and Mahabharata. Additionally, the platform provides standalone yoga, relationship, and meditation classes and an intimate community space for questions and discussions.

The Vani School collective aims to make its offerings accessible to a wide range of individuals. By providing a yearly membership option, users gain unlimited access to all courses, an online community, and other classes. Moreover, Vani School is a nonprofit organization with long-term goals of offering free courses to schools, hospitals, and underserved communities. Bhagavatananda emphasized their commitment: “We want to provide these courses to people who genuinely can’t afford them,” said Bhagavatananda. A comprehensive course in Bhakti Yoga is being developed that will be free for all.

You can explore the Vani School’s official website for further information about this captivating new platform.  Additionally, you can hear a full interview featuring Bhagavatananda on a recent episode of the Wisdom of the Sages podcast.

Source: https://iskconnews.org/new-online-learning-platform-features-several-well-known-devotees/

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