By Kulavati Krishnapriya Devi Dasi
Chaitanya Chandra Dasa has unveiled his latest offering, an e-book titled “Traps in our Path Back to Godhead.” Drawing inspiration from a publication by Suhotra Swami during the 1990s, this e-book sets a philosophical foundation to illuminate the common pitfalls in one’s spiritual evolution, empowering one with the wisdom required to navigate and transcend these impediments.
Currently staying in Mayapur with his family, Chaitanya Chandra Dasa started his journey into Krsna Consciousness in 1992 after receiving a copy of the Bhagavad Gita during the December marathon. Gradually, he embarked on a quest to understand its profound wisdom, seeking the guidance of local devotees.
He said, “I tried to bring this historical perspective of the different deviant sects described by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura into our practical, contemporary reality. Srila Prabhupada explains a lot about Sahajiyas and Mayavadis in his books. These are not just isolated sects in India, but tendencies we all carry inside of us, which can create many obstacles in our spiritual path.”
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