I have never seen such a large pool of blood within the confines of our walls at 243 Avenue Road. Our head priest (pujari), Brahma, entered the temple at 3:40 AM, and when he reached the bottom of the stairs, a blood vessel burst at the base of his leg.
Fortunately, our young men of the Bhakti Academy assisted him, cleaned him, and hurried him to Mount Sinai Hospital for treatment and advice. Brahma then returned when the Academy head, Visahka, and her husband, Punya, drove him back home. He is relaxing and doing better.
This incident, a day in the life, took me not by great surprise. I took to bed after midnight having arrived from the Caribbean trip, and then this happened. I was first alerted by Pharaoh (perhaps spelled Farrow), who has been coming down lately to the temple. I’ve never met a young man so enthused about Krishna. Free spirit he is!
I opened the door for Ali, a body-building fellow, who humbly made his way to the temple room for the day’s first service at 4:30 AM. My, how the attendance has grown by new Bhakti Academy students. I took the liberty to introduce myself to the group, and then to add some sparkle, I said, “It was forty-nine years ago that we moved into this building to introduce bhakti yoga. It’s been an extraordinary history since – moments of calm, and at odd times – minor fireworks. We have gone through many festivals here, sermons spoken, chants and dance rendered, and much holy food, prasadam, consumed.”
Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/never-seen