My July The 4th by Bhaktimarga Swami


Washington is the place to be on the 4th of July. Our youth bus tour group which I've tagged along with for now, delighted in the fireworks. For me, no problem. I decided to hang out with Manorama, the bus coordinator, and his assistant, Madhava. I carried on with my regular Gita Chat Tuesday evenings while sitting in the bus dwelling on chapter 5, text 14, regarding the city that this body is. Yes, we are embodied, and while we are not this body, we still are in it. And as Chris, who was on this call, reminded us, “Do what you must to keep body and soul together.” That becomes our human obligation.

It had been a sweaty hot day in DC on the USA’s birthday, and some hours had been put into drama practice in Potomac where another gorgeous temple of Krishna is to become manifest (it’s 75% complete). The wrap up for the day was in and somewhat out of the bus once the sun tucked away and fireworks exploded. I took to my beads and chanted and chanted while just feet away from a zoned out drugged up fellow who was fussing around with his backpack of scarves, music devices, and cigarettes. While engaged in all his paraphernalia, I was quite intent on pacing with beads alone. We both carried on for two hours at our individual worlds, and just as I was completing my beaded rounds, he was packing all his stuff in. I wasn't sure if he noticed me, but suddenly he looked at me with an amiable stare and said, “Hey, bro, can you set my water bottle in the back of my pack?”

“Sure.” I did and we both parted ways.


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