Certainly the location that you have selected for this program would help you to mind your minds. I am very happy to see you all. You have assembled here in good numbers from all over. So it is very important that you have taken your valuable time, not just little time but several days. So the topic is “minding the mind”. Certainly it is related to yourself. Self is not just the body. We always heard from our parents, “take care of yourself”. But they didn’t really tell us who that ‘self’ was. The purport that I could gather or understand from my parents’ saying was that ‘take of yourself means take care of your body”. We were told how we should carefully by the side of the road to avoid accident or how we should eat properly etc. But all those concerns were boiling down to the body.But we are not just the body. There are more things, which are part of that self. The dictionary meaning of the word self also includes those things. Of course the ‘self’ does include body. The mind is also part of that self. Intelligence is part of self. Certainly most importantly, the soul is the ‘self’ or the real self. Generally in the world, we talk about the body as self. We do take some care of the body, and little bit of the mind. I don’t know how much we take care of the intelligence and generally, we do nothing at all for the soul.READ MORE ON WWW.LOKANATHMAHARAJ.INFO........
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