Mercy Unlimited

The Personality of Godhead, out of His causeless mercy, descends on the manifested world without being influenced by the material modes of nature. He is eternally beyond the material manifestations.


He descends out of His causeless mercy only to reclaim the fallen souls who are captivated by the illusory energy. They are attacked by the material energy, and they want to enjoy her under false pretexts, although in essence the living entity is unable to enjoy. One is eternally the servitor of the Lord, and when he forgets this position he thinks of enjoying the material world, but factually he is in illusion.


We need to become enlightened to the Absolute Truth with regard to the all-merciful nature of the Lord towards the fallen souls. Fallen would are ones who try to enjoy under the false notion that they are the controllers, forgetting that the ultimate CEO is up there, watching our every move, be it good or bad. The Lord descends to eradicate this false sense of enjoyment and thus reclaim conditioned souls back to Godhead.


We must be eternally grateful to our most merciful Saviour, who inspite of us not being qualified to receive such compassion, are being saved time and again from greater sufferings. We owe Him our pure love and selfless devotion for the incessant showers of His unlimited mercy!
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