He was suggesting that people establish goals and purposes through a look at MVP meaning, values and purpose. Also he recommended that we identify our superpowers, strengths and talents. In a workshop fashion he asked us to determine our short term (one year) vision as well as that of the five year term.
There was also a suggestion to adjusting one’s culture to that of CHEER - C for celebration, H for hearing, E for engagement, E for executing coaching and R for review and recharge. Prasannatma keeps a personal SMILE FILE whereby you have a gratitude book and take note of positive and supportive exchanges have taken place. The ACTION PLAN for success are items like 1) focus 2) start small 3) celebrate 4) tackle hard tasks 5) be consistent. He also quoted our beloved Prabhupada re: self compassion who is order importance are a) health b) chanting c) service and d) reading.
Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/mantra-s-first-presentation-2024