Mantra In Munich by Maharishi Das


Sorry I’ve not written anything in a while but often think maybe me writting gets a bit too much and will just bore all of you, however I have been moved to write of a sweet simple loving exchange that I had recently. Every day I am meeting people through my work and everyday I get to realise how special all living things are. I never cease to be amazed how the Lord is everywhere, in one’s hearts whether known or unknown to them.

A few weeks ago there was a festival at Cheltenham headed by the festival team who continue tirelessly to bring people to the lotus feet of the Lord. I offer my utmost respects to all involved. I contacted a client, Jonathan, who lives in the local vicinity with the view he might like to go. However, he is 83 and I guessed it would be a tough sell as he is very set in his ways. I have never held back on my faith, and always mention how important what I do is to me; so Jonathan respectifully listened. He was not sure he’d feel at home going, being in an unfamiliar environment amongst strangers felt a bit much for him. I explained that everyone was welcome and he should go. Not convinced, he replied, “Not this time, OK?” I was sad he made that decision, but didn’t press him any further. Festivals are great and deliver trancendental sound in abundance.

I had been sending him videos of the Saturday night London Harinam knowing that everyone of hears the harinam is captivated by the sounds they hear and he had always told me how much he had enjoyed them. It was satisfying just knowing that he did not take any offence to me sending them. As it happens, I was flying to Munich for the hi-end hifi show (around 700 exhibitors and 30,000 visitors). For 35 years I have been working with sound reproduction of the highest leval, and everyone I meet is in search for the highest leval of sound possible and is trying to find peace and tranquility through sound and inturn search for something higher. Tribhuvanatha Prabhu would often say to me when he would visit me in Neasden, if someone could spend a price of a house in search of the of sound we know what they are looking for as they are not oridinary souls they actually deeply understand the importance and power of sound. And what we have can bring them closer to the ultimate sound the sound of god and yes god makes too a sound that will blow there minds I smiled, and for years reflected on what he said.

Jonathan asked me if could I get him a trade pass so he could come on the Friday which is strictly for trade guests. I managed to wangle a pass for him and on the Friday I met up we Jonathan and we walked around the show. After a while Jonathan said he would like to get a drink, so we to a cafe and got one. I told Jonathan that I had some chanting to catch up on. He looked a bit stunned, but I thought, ‘this is an opportunity for him to hear the holy name aloud’. While mundane sound is undoubtedly powerful, transcendental sound can’t be compared to anything of this world. We get a hint of that fact in the beginning of Bhagavad-gita (1.14), where we learn, “On the other side, both Lord Krishna and Arjuna, stationed on a great chariot drawn by white horses, sounded their transcendental conchshells.” The sounds that Krishna and His sincere devotees make are all transcendental; they are qualitatively different from mundane sounds. I chuffed thinking here I am in a place thinking I am around 30000 spirit souls all in search for the sounds that only the lord can provide.
I explained that I chanted around two hours everyday and Jonathan told me “Please go ahead”. I reached for my bead bag and started chanting the Mahamanta on my initiation beads. I could slowly see Jonathan was gaining interest and was relaxing, listening me me chant each word. Jonathan said, “This is so beautiful. I can see why you always look so peacful.” I replied, “I have my problems as everyone does, but this certainly helps me to put a perspective on things.” Jonathan asked if he could chant with me. I said, “Of course,” so he repeated the Mahamantra after me. It was quite amazing! This is a 83 year old man, very set in his ways, who never had any contact with any sort of spiritual practice, but was now chanting the Mahamantra! It was almost surreal. I felt the Lord’s touch at this moment. Incredible! I could feel Jonathan’s sincerity and we finished the chanting.

Then Jonathan smiled and remarked that this was one of the most incredible experiences he had ever had. More so than any record he had listened to. I just smiled. He told me that being an audiophile and having a vast record collection he understood how important sound is, but this really got to the core of his heart. It was amazing! Prior to this Joanathan had no experience with the holy name and did not want to go to the festival in Cheltenam. But me just being his friend, and not being scared of revealing who I actually am, made him feel comfortable. I made an excuse to go back to my hotel so I could go and get him some books. Fortunately I had them in my luggage and I gave him a ‘Chant and Be Happy’ together with a SSR.

Jonathan looked thrilled then he sadly revealed that his daughter has been suffering with anxiety and depression and had been quite angry with him. I hugged him and said that try and take shelter in the Lord. He said, “If you say so, I will try, but am really not sure if this can help. She has attempted suicide.” I said, “You have to reassure her that there is help and must not loose hope.”

I had to return to the show as I had multiple meetings to attend before leaving for the airport. I quickly wrote the Mahamantra for Jonathan on a piece of paper and said, “If you like you can continue this chanting.” He thanked me but still looked sad. I wondered if he would? How many 8o year olds take to chanting after being so set in their ways? A week went by and I got a phonecall from Jonathan and he thanked me for giving him the gift of chanting. He told me he was chanting every day for 25 minutes. I was completely astounded. I said, “Wow! This is incredible, really incredible.” He said it gave him so much peace of mind and extra energy. I said, “Now you understand the power of faith, and have experienced the Lord’s spiritual energy in your life. It will transform your life and improve it.” He said he’d also started reading the books I had given him.

I asked him how his daughter was. He replied she has been listening to him chant and said she feels a very positive energy from it. I aked if would he like me to send him some beads in the post so he could chant ‘on bead’? He said “Yes please!” So I quicky went to the post office and sent him some beads. Another week went by and Johanthan told me he is now chanting 5 rounds on beads and his daughter wanted to speak to me. She said she had felt down and paranoid but hearing her dad chant has made her feel calmer and has enabled her to think more clearly. Her dad’s calmness has enabled her to feel more loved and cherished by him and she wishes to chant too. She promised me she will chant one round a day. I explained how pleasing this is to the Lord himself. She asked, “How?”

I replied “When someone chants the Lord’s name, the Lord’s mind dwells on them. Krishna thinks, ‘This person has come to me and I will always protect them!’ She replied that she now felt protected and that her father is more qualified to protect her. She said, “This is weird! He has somehow transformed into a sweeter person.”

I got off the phone and reflected how we just have to be ourselves. Yes I did enjoy going to the show and catching up with old friends in industry, but more was the uplifting joy of helping my friend and his daughter. Today I heard from them both and they agreed that chanting the holy name is helping them so, so much. They are extremely thankful that I introduced them to chanting the holy name. By just being a friend to all so much can be achieved.

Chanting the holy name of the Lord is the doubtless way of success for all; the more attentively and sincerely we chant the names of the Lord, the more spiritual progress we will make and the more He will reveal Himself to us. In Srila Prabhupada’s words (Chaitanya-charitamrita, Adi 17.212, Purport), “Any man from any part of the world who practices chanting of the holy name of Krishna can be liberated and after death go back home, back to Godhead.”


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