I was exceedingly happy to receive this message from Dhruva Prabhu, our team player for the short film production, “The Embassy.”
“Hare Krishna Maharaj, The Embassy was selected, at the Black Panther International Film Festival, for further consideration as BEST DRAMA SHORTS and BEST INDIE SHORTS… let’s see where this goes now.” Included was an attached document from the Film Fest, congratulating us.
That was a terrific piece of news. Let us see where it goes, indeed. It was the pandemic that forced me to transition from our community theatre to film. The result was less actors, professional input, great state-of-the-art cameras, original music and great acting. Paradigm shift. It was worth it. The experience gained was precious. I can’t wait ’til the film is aired before the public.
Other items that illuminated my day were as follows:
a) A person called and asked for advice about becoming a monk. I asked, “Do you have kids?” The answer was “yes, with the youngest being 4.” “You are not ready, sir! Look after your family.” (I liked sharing a no-brainer like this).
By the way, today was a no-grainer. Every two weeks our community observes ekadasi or fasting from grains. Truly, lighter food is the way to go.
c) A younger man (younger than me) came to visit after hearing his father is under intensive care. He was quite teary-eyed. Through talking he was cheered up.
d) I made some phone calls; recruiting chanters for Saturday’s “Chant for Peace” over the Ukraine crisis. It looks like we’ll have a nice turn-out for between 2 to 4 pm in front of Old City Hall.
Luminations come.
Source: http://thewalkingmonk.blogspot.com/2022/04/tuesday-april-26-2022.html