I feel great. The weather is just perfect and I’m getting my avocados. What more can I want?
The only thing that becomes a bit heart pressing is the absence of some of the swamis I used to meet. My dear friend, Kadambha Kanana Swami (Dutch born) passed away last month stricken with cancer. He was a regular feature at Durban’s Chariot Fest and was loved for his classes and chanting, but his presence is no more.
I also recall being here during the time when another beloved monk, Bhakti Tirtha Swami, was an admin and participant in South Africa. Oh, how we miss him. He unfortunately died from cancer as well in his fifties.
Because of a downscale on the budget (South Africa got hit hard by covid, riots, and floods), few guests of monkhood status were requested to come. I was lucky. And the community here can still boast the presence of Bhakti Chaitanya and Partha Sarathi Swamis. I almost forgot Bhakti Caru Swami who came to the party, so to speak, but covid took a toll on his life.
Sad. They were sadhus (holy men), if not prophets.
There is a very sweet monk in the form of Ram Govinda Maharaja in his early eighties, who spends much time in continent. He’s quite remarkable, having served in the Indian army for over forty years. Imagine the discipline and regularity built into such a person while maintaining a kind and caring disposition.