Lord Siva Describes The Beauty of Lord Visnu

The Lord’s beauty resembles a dark cloud during the rainy season. As therainfall glistens, His bodily features also glisten. Indeed, He is the sumtotal of all beauty. The Lord has four arms and an exquisitely beautifulface with eyes like lotus petals, a beautiful highly raised nose, amind-attracting smile, a beautiful forehead and equally beautiful and fullydecorated ears.The Lord is superexcellently beautiful on account of His open and mercifulsmile and His sidelong glance upon His devotees. His black hair is curly,and His garments, waving in the wind, appear like flying saffron pollen fromlotus flowers. His glittering earrings, shining helmet, bangles, garland,ankle bells, waist belt and various other bodily ornaments combine withconchshell, disc, club and lotus flower to increase the natural beauty ofthe Kaustubha pearl on His chest.The Lord has shoulders just like a lion’s. Upon these shoulders aregarlands, necklaces and epaulets, and all of these are always glittering.Besides these, there is the beauty of the Kaustubha-mani pearl, and on thedark chest of the Lord there are streaks named Srivatsa, which are signs ofthe goddess of fortune. The glittering of these streaks excels the beauty ofthe golden streaks on a gold-testing stone. Indeed, such beauty defeats agold-testing stone.The Lord’s abdomen is beautiful due to three ripples in the flesh. Being soround, His abdomen resembles the leaf of a banyan tree, and when He exhalesand inhales, the movement of the ripples appears very, very beautiful. Thecoils within the navel of the Lord are so deep that it appears that theentire universe sprouted out of it and yet again wishes to go back.The lower part of the Lord’s waist is dark and covered with yellow garmentsand a belt bedecked with golden embroidery work. His symmetrical lotus feetand the calves, thighs and joints of His legs are extraordinarily beautiful.Indeed, the Lord’s entire body appears to be well built.My dear Lord, Your two lotus feet are so beautiful that they appear like twoblossoming petals of the lotus flower which grows during the autumn season.Indeed, the nails of Your lotus feet emanate such a great effulgence thatthey immediately dissipate all the darkness in the heart of a conditionedsoul. My dear Lord, kindly show me that form of Yours which alwaysdissipates all kinds of darkness in the heart of a devotee.SB4.24.45-52
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  • Harriiii boll!

    wow! wot amazing description... this kind of in depth appreciation of the Lord's form is Only possible by the highest of devotees...

    Lord Siva ki jai!

    Hare Krishna!

  • Volunteer
    Hari Bol !!!
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