
Lord Chaitanya's Grace

Lord Chaitanya's Grace

God  is known by the Vedic Revelation

As the mundane world is subjected to the control of phenomenal time and space, everything that exists in this world is apparent and relative. Similarly, the worldly truth also is relative and apparent. Since the Spirit transcends the limits of time and space, the spiritual reality is absolute and eternal. The Vedic scriptures reveal about the knowledge about the Absolute Reality. They explain about the eternal Name, eternal Form, eternal Abode, eternal Sports, eternal Qualities, eternal Associates and eternal Variegated ness about the Supreme Divinity. The so called scriptures which fail to mention about the eternal Name, Form, Quality, Sports, Associates and Variegated ness of the Supreme personality of Godhead, are imperfect, defective and immature. The Vedic Scriptures like the Upanishads, Gita, Bhagavtahm etc fully explain about the Supreme Divinity. Those who depend upon the partial revelations are bound to deviate from the path of reality, as it is said that half learning is dangerous. All the sincere, inquisitive, honest and unbiased aspirants should follow the genuine revealed scriptures to achieve the highest success of human Life.

God is the Eternal Reality

Just as sage Valmiki wrote the holy book Ramayana, even before the advent of Lord Rama, Similarly most of the age-old Vedic scriptures explain about Lord Chaitanya who last appeared in this world 518 years ago in the glorious land of Navadwip Mayapur. The reveled texts like Srimad Bhagavatham, Vaishnava tantra, Urdhva Amnaya Tantra, Brahma Purana, Atharva Veda, Mundaka Upanishad, Svetasvatara Upanishad, Chaitanyopanishad, Sama Veda, Visvasra Tantra, Sadhanollasa Tantra, Mukti Sankalani Tantra, Brahan Naradiya Purana, Jaimini Bharata, Vishnu Yamala, Brahma Yamala, Rudra Yamala etc are a few among the hundreds of texts that explain the glory and supremacy of Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Thos who sincerely desire for the highest well-being should learn about these essential aspects of spiritual science and fully adopt them in their day to day life.

Fundamental Spiritual Revelations

While newly learning an unknown subject, first of all the learner has to thoroughly understand its basic fundamentals.  Only after familiarizing with the basic knowledge, one can advance to the main subject matter. For example, one has to learn about the numerical figures, before learning arithmatics. Similarly, the alphabets are to be learnt for mastering a language. Without learning the basics, if a person suddenly tried to enter into the subject matter, he is bound to fail in his effort. We have to think about the five sense-organs of knowledge, namely eye, ear, tongue, nose and skin. It is the by the help of these sense organs one can gain the knowledge about the material world by experiencing about the form, sound, taste, smell and touch. If we go one step forward, we can understand that, these senses are only the doors of knowledge, without any realization. They are able to work only in the association with the mind. If the mind is not functioning actively, then the senses fail to collect the information. This proves that mind can work independent of the senses, whereas the senses cannot work independent of the mind. If we penetrate deep into this episode, we can understand that, the mind is capable of working only by the help of spirit. If the spirit leaves the body, then the mind cannot work by itself. Ultimately one can infer that, the spirit can work independent of mind and senses, whereas the mind and senses cannot work independent of spirit. Although the mind is capable of working by the power of the spirit, yet the empiric knowledge collected by mind through senses is not sufficient to realize the self and God.

The Gradation of Knowledge

In the conditioned state of worldly bondage, the knowledge of the living beings has become three fold, pertaining to body, mind and spirit. Knowledge in the physical level assumes the form of instincts. Knowledge in the mental level rises to reason or logic. The knowledge in the spiritual level manifests as realization. The acts of eating, sleeping, defending and mating are the four fold instincts which are found with every living beings like trees, creepers, insects, birds, animals, reptiles, human beings etc. The mental process of reasoning or logic is superior to the physical process of instincts. The spiritual process of realization is superior to the mental process of logic. The body and the mind belong to this material world, whereas the spirit belongs to the transcendental abode. Body and mind are subjected to the limitations of time, space and person, whereas the spirit is unaffected by all the mundane limitations. Therefore the knowledge associated with the spirit is pure, natural, absolute and self-evident. Whereas the knowledge related to the body and mind is apparent, eclipsed and misleading. The relation between the spirit and the matter is that of the body and shadow. Body is independent of shadow, whereas the shadow is dependant upon the body. Physical body is vehicle, which is driven by the spirit as a driver. Spiritual realization is the waking state of the spirit, whereas the mundane existence is the dreamy state of the spirit. A dreaming person cannot understand about the futility of dreamy wealth, as long as he is not awakened. The relentless pursuit after wealth, power, enjoyments, name, fame, followers all these indicate the fallen condition of the spirit. Those who run after all these sense-objects create harm to themselves as well as others by ruining the peace and happiness of the society. A spiritualist helps these fallen souls by awakening them from their age long sleep of falsehood to the spiritual reality and saves them from the worldly bondage of birth, death, old age, disease etc. When a fortunate person adopts the process of Bhakti towards the Supreme Lord and becomes free from the mundane relativity, then alone he can transcend the bondage of grief, fear and death. A pure devotee becomes engaged in the eternal service of all blissful Supreme Lord through his spiritual body in the transcendental abode of Goloka Vaikuntha, being free from nescience and mundanity. Service to the Supreme Lord is the only eternal function  of all the eternally liberated jives. Upliftment of a jiva begins when he firmly understands that, association with the material objects is the root cause of misery, whereas engagement in spiritual culture is  the root cause of happiness. Such a person not only gains bliss, but also bestows eternal bliss and satisfaction to the entire humanity. This has been amply proved in the case  of Hiranyakashipu and Prahlada. The demon king Hiranyakashipu could not feel peace, contentment or happiness even after conquering all the three worlds due to his godless materialistic attitude. Whereas little boy Prahlada was absolutely satisfied and happy by the help of loving devotion to Lord Hari, even without possessing anything of this world. Today’s millions of Hiranya kashipus are seen busy in grabbing heaps of wealth, power, land, etc, in the hope of deriving more happiness. These stupid people are just ruining their own lives by living like devils and thorns to world peace.

Empiricism has its Limitations

As the empiric knowledge developed through academics and material technology fails to penetrate in to the field of spirit, the worldly scholars mostly keep on speculating about the various problems such as, the secret of life, origin of Life, the cause of creation, origin of the universe etc. They often arrive at some or other funny and irrelevant conclusions. Just as constantly fleeting person fails to gather any knowledge about an absolutely resting person, similarly those who are subjected to the combined relativities of time, space, triple qualities etc , fail to understand about the absolute reality. Therefore, Lord Krishna says in Gita that, for knowing about the spiritual reality, one should approach a God-realized person, with a sincere mood of self-surrender, enquiry and service. When we associate ourselves in the service Lord Krishna’s Lotus Feet by the help of pure devotees, we too shall achieve freedom from the clutches of relativity and we can attain the real goal of human life, by becoming free from all kinds of doubts. Lord Krishna is known as Achyuta or the infallible. Those who become the devotees of the Lord transcend the limitations of nescience. That is why Lord Krishna has declared in Gita that, “ My devotee shall never perish”.

Do not adulterate the Spiritual Truths

Spiritual truths are revealed only to the top class devotes of the Supreme Lord, like Brahma, Shiva, Narada, Ambarisha, VedaVyasa, Shukadeva, Arjuna, Prikshit Maharaj etc. These facts are codified in the books like the Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Bhagavatam etc. For the common people of the world who are blind towards the spiritual reality, these scriptures provide the light and vision of absolute truth. As these scriptural truths are transcendental in nature, one should accept them as it is without cherishing any kind of doubt or challenge. The absolute purity of the spiritual knowledge should not be degraded by adulterating it with the defective mundane logic. Those who adulterate the divine knowledge shall fail to get the real benefit of it. Just as the pure spirit is independent of matter, the spiritual knowledge is independent of the material knowledge. Every living entity in its original state of existence possesses this spiritual knowledge in its basic form. This is known as the self evident knowledge. The Vedic literatures are the books of advanced spiritual knowledge. As this mundane world also is pervaded by God, for a God realized soul, everything of this world gives an indication and clue towards understanding the absolute reality. If a person accepts the basic aspects of the spiritual knowledge and  proceeds further, then he can realize the higher truths about the transcendental reality. The prime necessity for this unique process is to accept holy company and to discard evil association. The basic realizations of the self-evident knowledge are as follows

Fundamental revelations of Spiritual Science

1.     I am existing as an individual entity.

2.     I am going to exist incessantly

3.     I possess a certain amount of bliss.

4.     I am deriving this bliss from an infinite source.

5.     I am constitutionally dependant upon the Source of bliss.

6.     I am an eternal follower of my blissful Source.

7.     My blissful source is an embodiment of Infinite beauty

8.     It is impossible for me to discard the support of my source.

9.     My present worldly situation is highly despicable.

10. It is good for me to cultivate close association with my eternal source by rejecting the present remorseful condition

11. This mundane world is not my permanent dwelling place.

12. Development of this mundane world cannot contribute to my permanent welfare

Transcending the Materialistic Contamination

Pure knowledge is the very intrinsic constitution (svarupa) of the Spirit; its characteristic inclination is love. The self evident absolute spiritual knowledge of the pure existence gets contaminated in the state of material bondage, due to the influence of relative time, space, persons and trigunas. In such a fallen condition, the worldly human beings accept the eclipsed knowledge of sense perception for knowing the facts and finally arrive at totally wrong conclusions. Those who associate with the self realized holy souls and mould their lives in accordance to the teachings of Gita and Bhagavatham can transcend the barriers of mundane time and space to realize the absolute spiritual knowledge and infinite divine bliss by eternally serving the Supreme Lord Sri Sri Radha Krishna.

The Essence of Spiritual Science

The entire revelation of Vedic knowledge can be broadly classified into three categories of principles known as 1) Sambandha or the knowledge of RELATIONSHIP 2) Abhideya or the MEANS to be followed and 3) Prayojana or the final GOAL to be achieved. As per Srila Bhakti Vinode Thakur, the essential principles of spiritual science enunciated by the absolute realists can be divided into twelve topics of the following description.

1.     The Supreme Lord who is all being, all intelligence and all bliss are like a spiritual Sun, of whom all the living entities are comparable to the innumerable rays. Lord is the Master whereas all the individuals are the servitors. God is the infinite sentience whereas the living beings are the tiny sparks of infinitesimal sentience.

2.     By dint of the Spiritual characteristics of “absolute variegated ness” manifested by the inconceivable divine potency, God is eternally distinct from all the individual living entities; all the individual beings also are mutually different from each other. The spiritual abode of the Supreme Lord is eternally distinct from the mundane cosmic universe manifested by the material energy maya.

3.     Material world is the perverted reflection of the spiritual abode. Concomitant happiness and misery are experienced in this world, which are the perverted semblance of the spiritual bliss.

4.     Sentient beings do not have any permanent relationship with this mortal world. This is nothing but a temporary relationship with this mortal world. This is nothing but a temporary habitat for the bound souls. Being engrossed by the inconceivable external potency of God, these bound souls remain either tied to material happiness, whereas some others are in search of spiritual happiness.

5.     The unalloyed inclination in the form of intensive and extensive love towards the Supreme Lord is their pure characteristic. During the state of bondage, this unalloyed divine love gets degraded in to the despicable attachment towards material objects. This is the basic misfortune of the living beings.

6.     Attainment of liberation is to regain the eternal spiritual situation (constitutional position) of the individual entities, by being free from the clutches of material attachment. This is possible by the help of the intrinsic spiritual culture or by the path of devotional cultivation.

7.     During the period of welfare existence, the “svadharma” or the socio-religious duties of human beings are perceived to be multifarious, according to their merit, qualities and situations. Among them, some are directly related to their spiritual welfare, whereas the others duties are related indirectly.

8.     The acts of direct spiritual welfare are those, which have an exclusive purpose of achieving unalloyed spiritual characteristic of the individual soul.

9.     When the socio- religious acts are towards acquiring physical and mental upliftment, they should be known as indirect acts of real welfare.

10. Spiritual communion with God is the basic process of eternal well-being. The secular acts that help in the unfoldment of divine awareness should be known as the chief among the indirect performances of well being.

11. Cultivating the confidential service of the Supreme Lord as Vrindaban Krishna through spiritual communion should be known as the eternal duty of the human beings, as it is the most exalted object of ultimate attainment.

12. The highest glory of the noble souls is to cultivate the process of amorous sentiment towards Lord Krishna, the Ocean of infinite sweetness.

Among these twelve principles, the first four do disclose the knowledge of relationship. The next six principles describe about the duty of the human beings. The last two principles mention about the goal of ultimate achievement. The first ten of these principles were prevalent among all the four vaishnava school of philosophy (namely in Brahma, Rudra, Shree and Sanatana). The last two principles were partially noticeable in the three philosophies of Sri Madhva, Sri Nimbaraka and Sri VishnuSwamy. Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu developed these themes to their fullest degree of excellence.

The devotional school of Sri Brahma – Madhva – Gaudiya lineage has fully imbibed the spiritual process of absolute confidential service of Sri Radha Krishna in the spiritual abode of Gokula Vrindaban, conducted by the eternally liberated souls in the amorous sentiment of divine love, through their eternal spiritual bodies in the form of Gopikas of Vrindaban.

Served Lord and the Servitor Lord

The Supreme Lord is the absolute recipient of all the services, as such He is known as the “Served Lord”. For the purpose of teaching, the process of service, the Lord assumes another form and engages in the act of serving, as such He becomes the “Servitor Lord”. In the age of Treta yuga when the Supreme Lord appeared in Ayodhya as Lord Rama, the servitor Lord appeared as Lord Lakshmana endowed with the sentiments of “servile plus friendly” nature. During Dwapara Yuga when the Lord appeared as Sri Krishna, the Servitor Lord followed as Lord Balarama with the sentiments of “filial plus-friendly” nature. When Lord Krishna appeared in the Kaliyuga as Lord Chaitanya, Balarama followed Him as Lord Nityananda. Sri Vrindaban Das Thakur, the author of “Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata” has termed them as two brothers and the progenitors of divine Krishna Nama Sankirtana. He adores them as follows.

“I offer my humble obeisances to those two brothers (Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityanand), the manifestation of INFINITE MERCY, whose arms extend upto their knees (a symbol of Divinity), who are of golden complexion, the generators of Krishna-Nama-Sankirtana having beautiful eyes like lotus petals, the protectors of entire Universe, born in worthy Brahmin families, the founders of divine path for Kaliyuga and the most beloved benefactor of the universe”

Sri  Chaitanya Bhagavata I 1.1.

      “I Whole heartedly serve Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda, the Masters of the Universe, who appeared in this world as two brothers out of causeless MERCY, for gracing the humanity to come out of the darkness of ignorance”

Sri Chaitanya Bhagavata I 1.3.

In the various verses of Srimad Bhagavatham, the boundless mercy of the Lord and His devotees towards the humanity can be noticed as follows.
          “ I bow down to sage Sri Shukadeva, the preceptor of mendicants as well as the brilliant son of Sri VedaVyasa, who has MERCIFULLY disclosed the Spiritual Sun Srimad Bhagavatam, the unique treatise of divine knowledge, the glorious essence of Vedas and Upanishads, for delivering the fallen souls who are engrossed by the age-old darkness or worldly entanglement”

Srimad Bhagavatam I .2.3

In the beginning of the cosmic creation, the Supreme Lord Hari MERCIFULLY appeared before the creator Brahma and disclosed the science of divinity in a nut shell known as Chatuh-Sloki Bhagavatam, of which the following is the second verse of Lord’s benediction.

          “O Brahma, by My MERCY you behold this absolute knowledge about Me, regarding My Personality, My intrinsic nature, My eternal Form, My Characteristic, My Sportive Acts and everything else that is related Me in essence”

Srimad Bhagavatam II . 9.31

God is known only by God’s grace, just as the sun is seen only by the help of sunlight. Without God’s grace one can never know about Him, even by thinking for millions of years. God reveals Himself to those, who have absolutely surrendered to Him with a mood of Loving Devotion.

Sri Uddhava tells to Sri Vidura about the boundless mercy of Lord Krishna. “ Oh! Is there any parallel to the grace of Lord Krishna ?  He has bestowed an exalted foster mother’s position to the wicked demoness Putana, who fed milk to the Lord her poisoned breast with an intention of killing child Krishna. Other than Lord Krishna, the OCEAN OF MERCY, where wise person shall go for shelter? “

Srimad Bhagavatham III 2.23

The denizens of Gokula loved Lord Krishna, more than their own children and more than anything else of this material world. Sri Shukadeva Goswami tells to king Parikshit, “O king, know for certain this Lord Krishna to be the soul of all the individual living beings. The Lord is now manifest here in His Divine Transcendental Form out of His MERCIFUL GRACE, for the well-being of the entire Universe”

Srimad Bhagavatam X 15.55

The Supreme Lord is omniscient, whereas individual living beings bosses very little knowledge. When Lord Krishna descended down to this world during the age of Dwapara Yuga. He was accompanied with His eternal associates of Goloka Vrindaban. Vrajavasis were closely associated with the Lord. Being overwhelmed due to the sweetness of the Lord, those vrajavasis remained oblivious of their own transcendental nature. The Lord understood that, by coming to this world of suffering, these denizens  of Vraja were likely to identify themselves to be one with the bound souls of this world, who keep on wondering in the births of various fallen species of living beings, undergoing endless worldly sufferings. For the purpose of consoling His own eternal associates, the ALL MERCIFUL Supreme Lord made them visualize HIS Divine Abode which is griefless, fearless and immortal. That divine sphere of absolute truth is infinite, blissful, self-effulgent and fully cognitive, which the great sages who have transcended the mundane limitations of time, space and qualities visualize in their trance of spiritual communion. All the presiding deities of revealed scriptures present in that Goloka Dhama are glorifying the Lord with various Vedic hymns. Seeing such a blissful abode of Lord Krishna, Nanda and other dwellers of Vraja became marveled and fully transported into a state of boundless ecstatic bliss.

Srimad Bhagavatham X 28. 13 – 17

Sri Rasa Lila or Lord Krishna’s unique sports of mercy-go-round in Vrindaban happens to be the major event of eternal pursuit for all the sentient and inert objects of this world. This all blissful sport of the Supreme Lord has been fully adopted by the Divine Potency to reflect it in all the spiritual and material elements of her denominations. In the original Rasa Lila, Lord Krishna is in the middle as an all attractive Personality and all the eternally liberated devotees of confidential amorous sentiment are revolving in the periphery, being solely absorbed due to the attraction of infinite sweetness of Lord Krishna. Sri Lakshmi , the queen of Vaikuntha too gets attracted to Krishna-Lila and rushes towards Vrindaban. Every dweller, animals, birds, bees, trees, creepers and everything  else is fascinated and attracted by Lord Krishna. By hearing the flute-music of the Lord, stones start melting, river Yamuna starts flowing in opposite direction, every animate being becomes inanimate, so also every inanimate objects gains animation. In this cosmic world, starting from microcosm upto macrocosm, everything reflects the ideal of Rasa lila. To cite examples, in an atom the nucleus is in the centre, electrons encircle from outside. The earth is in the centre; all the material objects are attracted by the power of gravitation and keep on crawling on the surface. In the solar system sun is in the centre, the planets, the planets encircle the sun in various orbits. In the stellar system, the polar star is in the centre, all the solar systems circumbalate it from outside huge orbits. In this world a scholar is in the middle, all the students run around him for education. A rich man dwells in the middle, all the beggars of wealth move around him. An employer is in the middle, all the employees rally around him. A ringleader remains in the centre, all the anti-socials move around him. Similarly a King or political leader is in the middle , the citizens and activists move around him. A temple is in the centre; all the devotees encircle it by arriving from all the four directions. A holy river is similarly encircled by pilgrims from outside. A magnet attracts tiny pieces of iron. This clearly shows the absolute influence of Lord Krishna’s Rasa Dance upon every object of this Universe.

           Shri Shukadeva Goswami tells to King Parikshit that, with an intention of GRACING the devotees and the humanity, Lord Krishna has manifested this Rasa Lila of divine abode in this mortal world. These Divine Sports are absolutely free from the influence of mundane time and space, manifested by the inscrutable Divine Power of the Lord. Those who hear about this most COMPASSIONATE and glorious act of Lord Krishna through the mouth of loving devotees and learn about its infinite significance, shall transcend all kinds of mundane limitations and become fully devoted to the Lord.

Srimad Bhagavatam X 33.36

 During the beginning of cosmic creation, Supreme Lord Narayana MERCIFULLY instructed this knowledge of Srimad Bhagavatam to Sri Brahma who was born in the Lotus sprouted from His naval, and was extremely frightened due to the afflictions of worldliness.

Srimad Bhagavatam XII 13.10

The crest jewel scripture “ Srimad Bhagavatam” is the unparalleled light of divine wisdom. In the beginning of cosmic creation, the Supreme Lord disclosed this unique knowledge to Sri Brahma, from Brahma to Sri Narada, from Narada to Sri Veda Vyasa, from Veda Vyasa to Sri shukadeva, and Sri Shuka Deva MERCIFULLY imparted the same to Sri Parikshit Maharaj. We meditate upon that Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is transcendental, pure, griefless, immortal and the ultimate Reality.

Srimad Bhagavatam XII 13.19

When the creator Brahma desired liberation from worldly bondage, the omniscient Supreme Lord Sri Vasudeva MERCIFULLY explained this Bhagavatam and bestowed the all-auspicious loving devotion to him.

Srimad Bhagavatam XII 13.20

The following sayings indicate about the Lord’s mercy, mentioned in the book Sri Hari Bhakti Vilasa of Sri Gopala Bhatta Goswami.

“I surrender myself at the feet of Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya, the bestower of power to Gods like Brahma, who has MERCIFULLY descended down to this world for bestowing loving devotion to one and all, by whose GRACE one can achieve the ultimate success of human Life.”

“We adore Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya, the World- Teacher, by whose MERCY even an ordinary dog can easily cross an ocean.”

“Whose GRACE can make a blind person read scriptures, as well as make a rock to cross an ocean, to that Lord Chaitanya we offer our adorations”.

“We offer our repeated obeisances to Lord Chaitanya, who possesses wonderful infinite majesty, by dint of which even a low-born person an become the propounder of noble character.”

“Let Lord Chaitanya be eternally glorified. His GRACE can transform a dog into albino, a blade of grass into a mountain, an idiot into a scholar, as well as dead person into a living one”

“We surrender to Sri Chaitanya, the Lord of Transcendental glory, whose GRACE can convert even a fallen person into a loving devotee”

“Our adorations to Lord Chaitanya, who is verily the Supreme Lord Krishna of ever new festivity, by whose MERCY, even a meek person shall be able to perform great festivals.”

“Let Lord Chaitanya be PLEASED upon us, by whose GRACE, even an ignorant person can become omniscient.”

Salutations to the World-teacher, Lord Krishna, an OCEAN OF BOUNDLESS MERCY, who accepted the golden form of Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya for distributing the spiritual wealth of Divine Love in the dark age of Kaliyuga.

Brihad Bhagavatamritam

Salutations to Supreme Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya, the OCEAN OF MERCY, who descended down tot his earth and appeared in the land of Gauda Desha (Bengal) for bestowing the divine wealth of Krishna Prema.

brihad Vaishnava Thoshani

Our obeisances to Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya, the indwelling Monitor of all the living beings, whose WILL and WISH itself is the root cause of all other causes is this Universe.

Sanksepa Vaishnava Toshani

Eternally be glorified Lord Sri Gouranga, who verily, excels crores of cupids in beauty, equals crores of moons in giving delight to all the living beings, surpasses crores of mothers in offering affectionate love to the devotees, belittles crores of desire trees in bestowing graceful benevolence, equals crores of oceans in serenity, exceeds crore times the sweetness of nectar, and exhibited crores of wonderful divine sentiments in the devotional ecstasy of amorous divine love.

Chaitanya Chandramrita

We adore Lord Gouranga of infinite glory, the recipients of whose auspicious MERCIFUL sight are verily empowered to consider, monistic salvation (kaivalya) as equal to hell, heavenly pleasures as quite insignificant, the formidable sense organs to be as harmless as toothless cobra, the world as an abode of happiness and even the positions of great Gods like Brahma and Shiva to be like that of tiny insects.

Chaitanya Chandramrita

Prior to the advent of Lord Chaitanya, who had heard the wonderful exposition of divine love ? Who knew about the endless glory of Divine Name? Who had the knowledge about the infinite sweetness of Lord Krishna’s Vrindaban sports? Who knew about Srimati Radhika’s super excellent dimensions of boundless Divine Love ? It is only Lord Chaitanya who has uncovered and exhibited all these greatest divine secrets out of HIS SUPREME MERCY towards the humanity.

Let the darling Son of mother Sachi , like a dazzling lion of brilliant golden hue graciously dwell in the darkest caves of your hearts to drive away all the darkness as well as the wicked animals of inhuman qualities. He has descended down to this mortal world in this dark age of Kaliyuga out of His ABOUNDING MERCY, to bestow Prema Bhakti (Divine Love) the Supreme divine ambrosia of HIS own divine Abode, which was therefore never given to the living beings of this mortal world by any of the divine Avatars.

Let Lord Chaitanya provide refuge to me at his Lotus Feet, the nectarine stream of whose MERCIFUL BENEVOLENCE has inundated the entire Universe and yet it flows down to deliver all the most fallen souls of this world.

The primeval Lord of this Universe who has accepted the form of Sri Krishna Chaitanya for the purpose of reaching balanced abnegation, divine knowledge and the path of loving devotion towards Himself, let me accept unconditional surrender at the Lotus Feet of that OCEAN OF KINDNESS.

Krishna Prema or the Divine Love is the hidden treasure of the transcendental abode Goloka Vrindaban. Lord had not donated it to this human world for a very long span of ages. In the present age of kaliyuga the Lord descended down out of EXTREME BENEVOLANCE as Sri Gouranga MahaPrabhu to distribute that unique treasure to all the human beings, including the most fallen and ignorant ones. I surrender myself to that gracious Lord of Divine Love.

I offer my obeisances to Lord Sri Krishna Chaitanya, by whose MERCY, even a lame person can cross-mountains as well as a dumb person can recite the scriptural verses.

Sri Svarup Damodar Goswami, a close associate disciple of Lord Chaitanya explains the nine fold results of that boundless Grace of Lord Chaitanya in the following terms 1) Even a little of Lord Chaitanya’s GRACE instantly drives away all kinds of grief 2) Which is absolutely pure 3) Which bestows absolute Joy by surpassing everything else, 4) Which fully capable of settling all kinds of sectarian controversies 5) Which is full of sweetness 6) Which fascinates and intoxicates the heart 7) which offers delight in the culture of devotion 8) which bestows equanimity 9) Which sets the standards of amorous devotional cultivation. Lord Chaitanya the UNIQUE OCEAN OF DIVINE MERCY alone can bestow all these matchless benedictions to HIS sincere devotees. By availing this unparalleled Grace of Lord Chaitanya, a devotee can achieve the highest treasure of divine love and also can help the entire universe in attaining eternal well-being.

Lord Chaitanya is the Master of MARVELLOUS GRACE and MATCHLESS BENEVOLANCE. Such a MERCIFUL LORD like Sri Chaitanya in neither seen, nor heard of in  his entire universe.

O the devotees, try to reflect upon the MERCY of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in your heart of the hearts. It will inundate you in the feeling of marvelous happiness

Sri Rupa Goswami and Sri Sanatana Goswami who were engaged in the royal services under king Hossen Shah prayed Lord Chaitanya for securing His Mercy as follows.

“O Lord, Kindly shower Your MERCY upon the fallen souls like us, who are its most befitting recipients due to our utter degradation. Being the REDEEMER OF THE FALLEN SOULS, let your glory be fulfilled by delivering us from our fallen condition. Let this entire Universe Visualize the purificatory power of your MERCY in uplifting us. Although our own utter incompetency is causing a great amount distress and dejection in begging Your grace, yet Your causeless MERCY upon the surrendered souls is generating renewed hope and assurance in our hearts. “
The leper Brahmin Vasudeva Vipra’s prayer to the Lord, when Lord Chaitanya affectionately embraced the leper devotee Vasudeva and cured in his Leprosy, he prayed and praised the Lord with many panegyrics and said that, such type of benevolence was not found in any human beings.

“O the MERCIFUL LORD, it is Your boundless affection towards Your devotees that prompts You to embrace even a patient of worst leprosy, without any hesitation. The Grace which You have shown is unparalleled in three worlds.

By the grace of Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu when the mayavadi scholar Sarvabhouma Bhattacharya became a staunch devotee of Lord Krishna, he praised the Lord as follows .

“O Lord, I was evil minded person totally engaged in vain arguments. Due to Your CAUSELESS MERCY, now I am able to acquire the treasure of devotional love. Now I have fully realized that, there is no one else in this universe as MERCIFUL as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Who else can transform an ordinary crow into a majestic eagle?”

No other Descent of Lord Hari has been so MERCIFUL, no one else has such a great quality of BENEVOLENCE. No human being is capable of fully appreciating the MERCY of Lord Chaitanya.

Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the crest jewel-gem among all the divine donors. When Lord Chaitanya went to Vidyanagar and met Raya Ramananada, the latter praised the Lord as follows. 

“O lord, You are verily the Supreme Autocrat, who can understand the significance of Your acts ? You are the EMBODIMENT of MERCY as well as the REDEEMER OF THE FALLEN. Your arrival to this place is intended to save me from downfall. It is the nature of the great souls that, they tour to visit the fallen souls for delivering them, even without having to accomplish for themselves.”

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