Life is meant for inquiring.

So what should be the inquisitiveness in this human form of life? Therefore the Vedanta-sutra says: athato brahma jijnasa. Now this life is meant for inquiring about the Supreme Absolute Truth, or Krsna. Krsna is the Absolute Truth, ultimate goal. So that is human life, when we inquire about. Therefore those who are inquisitive about God, they are not ordinary persons. They have been described in the Bhagavad-gita as sukrtina. Sukrtina means background is pious. Just like you are all. You have come to Krsna consciousness movement on account of their, of your very nice background. In your past life you must have cultivated Krsna consciousness, advanced, but it was not complete. Therefore, Krsna has given the chance again: "Now come to this platform and make your life successful." Sucinam srimatam gehe yoga-bhrasto 'bhijayate. Yoga-bhrasta. Those who could not fulfill or finish the Krsna consciousness business completely, they're given another chance, another chance. What is that chance? Sucinam srimatam gehe. Sucinam means very pure family, brahmana family, Vaisnava family. Just like these children. They have taken birth now in the Vaisnava family. Father is Vaisnava, mother is Vaisnava. And they are taken care of. So very exalted life. From the very beginning of life, they are chanting Hare Krsna mantra, they are dancing, they are taking prasadam. The atmosphere is so congenial for spiritual life. They are getting chance. So this is a chance. These children are not ordinary children. Because they could not complete Krsna consciousness in their previous life, they have been given chance to take birth in a family, the father and mother, they're Krsna conscious. This is... Sucinam srimatam gehe yoga-bhrasto 'bhijayate. These are there.
So to become Krsna conscious, even if you fail in this life, in one life, there is no loss. There is no loss in this way that you get another chance. But if you are not Krsna conscious, there is no certainty whether you are getting next life human form of life or cat's or dog's. There is no... That will be decided according to your karma. Therefore we should take to Krsna consciousness seriously and try our best to complete it in this life. Not waiting for another life. Although there is chance. The next life, even if we fail... But we should not be indolent: "O, if I fail in this life, I shall have another chance." No. We must decide to finish this Krsna consciousness business in this life and immediately go back to home, back to Godhead. That should be our determination.
Prabhupada's lecture.
Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.8.45
Los Angeles, May 7, 1973