
Let's Fasten Our Belts Tightly & FIGHT!!!

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Text PAMHO:22678040 (62 lines)
From: Acyuta Priya (das) RNS (Regional Secretary - Ukraine)
Date: 15-Dec-11 15:17 (17:17 +0200)
To: GBC Discussions [21858]
Reference: Text PAMHO:22677406 by Bhakti Vijnana Goswami (GBC) (Moscow - R)
Subject: Bhagavad-gita court case
Dear Maharajas and Prabhus,
please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I want to add something to Maharaja's letter.

If BG would be decleared an extremist literature, that practically mean that
basically ALL of Srila Prabhupada's books forbidden in Russia, because all
of them have quotes from BG. It would be forbidden to distribute, read, and
even keep at home these books! It would be strictly forbidden to discuss and
give lectures on BG or other books of SP.

It could practically finish up or set back for decades our movement in

Now, Russia is a very important country in Eastern World. This will affect
 heavily all countries there and their religious policy. Belorussian, Ukraine,
Moldova, Kazakhstan etc. will be affected first of all. Considering number
of devotees in these countries, it is at least 1/4 of our KC world (not
counting India of course).

We have practical experience and feeling of how it looks like. This Eastern
World has changed for the last 20 years, but not so dramatically, it is
still not the West, and we can expect any turn back to totalitarian type of
society, especially in terms if religion.

From what I remember about history of persecution of KC in USSR, the only
possible tool is the pressure from abroad, from the countries who are
partners of Russia, who giving money and making business with Russia.

So, seems to be that it is a time for massive international campaign.
Situation is too seriouse. Please.

Your servant
Acyuta Priya das.

> On Dec. 19th and 20th the court case trying to declare "Bhagavad-gita as
> it is" as an extremist literature will resume.
> A lot is at stake. If we lose the case, the consequences will be very
> dramatic, long-lasting and very gloomy. It may put under question the very
> existence of our movement in Russia.
 > The fact that two days are allotted for the hearing from the beginning
> makes us suspicious that they plan to finish the whole process within
> these two days. It is a bad sign.
> Also they practically did not give us time to prepare, just today we got
> the news, and it is already practically weekend, and the court will start
> on Monday. We still do not have the copy of the so-called expert opinion
> submitted to the court.
> We humbly ask all of you to offer your prayers, to hold special kirtans
> and yajnas. Please ask your congregation to pray.
> We are also formulating our petition following Sivarama Maharaja's
> example. As soon as we are ready, I will ask you to mobilize your
> congregation to sign the petition on line.
> Your servant Bhakti Vijnana Goswami
(Text PAMHO:22678040) --------------------------------------

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  • Volunteer

    Hare Krishna dear Devotees, please accept my humble obeisances! all glories to Srila Prabhupada! for just to remind that after signing the petition we have to confirm our mail by clicking the link in our e-mail. Thank You for Your help!


    in the petition about Krishna Valley Mumbai Devotees are in the first place!!! From here You can see the results : http://www.petitions24.com/?page=statistics&petition=krisna 

  • Hare Krishna


    We as devotees / Grand-devotees of Srila Prabhupada must stand up for Lord Krishna's words to be spread throught the world.

    Sometimes people do not understand the importance of such a book. It is not to inspire someone to Kill another. It is simply teaching one to do their duty!

  • Oh wow that is shocking news Mataji, Russia is a very important part for Krishna Consciousness.

    I found the petition online so if everyone could please urgently sign the petition by Monday it would be a big help:


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