
Kala reminded me that the large slug we saw feasting on a bush along the trail gives guidance as to what’s good for human. The most nutritious leaves are what slugs eat. Interesting!

We also came up on softwood trees, or what we thought were pine trees. Actually, the trees boarding some of the beaching are hard as can be, although they bear needles like our northern soft pines. The name of this tree is casuarina and they are protected in these areas by the government.

We notice, too, that as the sun rises, the local fruit bats (which are huge) take shelter of the upper branches of this tree for their sleep. A few of us pre-dawn walkers could see and hear their screeches while in their flight or perched on the more barren branches. Those bats look rather cool hanging upside down.

The boys and I went for that early take to the water for our version of volleyball. It is both recreational and a creation of bonding amongst each other. Mauritius is one of the countries I walked across on my marathons. It is a hot, humid place, and water time really offers relief.


A greater group of people joined in on an indoor program of bhakti, a workshop on the “Nine Devotions.” Sixty men, women, and children partook in the workshop designed to build greater relations amongst the followers of bhakti yoga. It’s the interaction that people really like.


I am very happy to share bhakti in different ways.

Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/learning-from-nature

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