Since surgery on my right knee almost five weeks ago, I dare not push myself too hard to walk normally; without cane or crutch. As far as possible, with minimal limp, I braved my steps south on Avenue Road, to the corner of Louis Vuitton clothes ware, then east on Bloor, through the café district of Yorkville, and back to the temple/ashram via Davenport.
I did fine and stopped only once for chanting my gayatri mantras. I surprised myself on the three-kilometre stretch. No pain really. It was an accomplishment. It was a slow, but firm step.
Two things happened today that triggered the bold steps. At noon, a familiar fellow came to visit. It was Curtis from Calgary. This young and strong person accompanied me in the state of Utah during my US walk. He was most helpful, having a good sense of massage power, particularly for the legs. He knows at least the exterior anatomy if that makes sense. So, I asked him a favour after our prasadam lunch, “Can you work on my machinery like you did in the past?” With no apprehension he applied. It felt good. Thank you. And, as he was about to leave, a shipment came in – boxes of the book “The Saffron Path.”
“Here’s a copy, my gratitude.” He left with a smile.
My second nudge for the day was our weekly Gita Chat, and today’s topic was a tortoise (Gita 2.58). Known for a slow but steady pace, the tortoise is actually fast to draw his limbs within the shell for self- protection. The lesson – be reasonable. Don’t press too hard on what needs doing. Go slow. Steady. Protect yourself from the matrix of maya. Beware of destructive sense objects.