Erotic sweetness or sweet erotism ?
Verse 65
madhuryâdapi madhuram
manmatha–tatasya kim–api kaishoram,
châpalyad–api chapalân
cheto vat harati hanta king kurmah. 65.
Sri Krishna’s kaishor is indescribably sweet – his erotic sweetness is sweeter than sweet – and it is stealing my extremely restless heart. Alas! What do I do now? .65.
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rila Kavirâj Goswâmipâd says: Sri Radha was crazy with ecstasy. She ran helter-skelter. Her sakhis tried to control her. They tugged at her ânchal[1] and said “Sakhi! Have you gone mad (unmâd)?”
Definition of “unmâd”
“When we are so much engrossed in one person and see him everywhere all the while, the wise glorify this state as ‘unmâd’”
- [U.N.15.40].
For example, (Sri Uddhav told Sri Krishna) –
“O Murare! Sri Radha is so miserable in Your viraha that She is laughing without any cause and is wandering aimlessly about the house. She is enquiring about You from every moving and non-moving object. What more can I say?
She is so terribly sad that She is lamenting loudly and rolling on the earth.”
- [U.N.15.175]
When Sri Radha ran helter-skelter in a crazy state, Her sakhis said – “Radhe! Have you gone mad? Please control yourself!” Then She calmed down somewhat and expressed Her feelings in this verse:
Sri Râdhâ said – “My dear sakhis! Sri Krishna’s kaishor, that is the source of passion, has stolen my heart and has made me crazy!”
Sri Krishna agitates the heart, so he is the original ‘Manmath’ (Passion). Sri Krishna’s indescribable kaishor arouses this painful passion!
Actually, the Gopikâs’ prem does not contain the slightest hint of lust or passion. Theirchitta[2] and man[3] are totally devoid of the material lust that causes pain.
The Gopis hide their extremely pure prem in their hearts and express it as kâm – hence they are called ‘Gopis’ (the one who hides). Even though a priceless diamond may resemble glass, a true jeweller knows its price. Similarly, Sri Krishna, who is the guru of universal prem, knows the price of their love. Therefore, he is eternally indebted to the Gopis.
“O Gopis! Even if I serve you for countless divine years, I cannot pay back anything equal to your glorious act of self–surrender, prompted by love that is completely selfless, casting aside the ever–powerful chain of attachment for home and worldly concerns. As I cannot pay back the debt may your generous act be its own reward.” - (Srimad-Bhâgavatam10.32.22.)
When Sri Râdhâ beholds Sri Krishna’s sweet kaishor, she becomes extremely restless to serve him in the sweet mood and when she is bereft of that service, She suffers untold pain. We are talking about this painful kâm. Actually, this state is the climax ofprem-ras, so it is totally blissful.
“When a devotee loves Krishna, his body burns as if he has drunk poison, but his heart is blissful. Krishna–prem is strange indeed!”
- [Sri Chaitanya-Charitâmrita]
How is Sri Krishna’s kaishor? |
Sri Krishna’s kaishor is manmatha – tata. ‘Tata’ means source and ‘manmatha’ means one who agitates the heart. Therefore, ‘manmatha-tata’ means ‘it (Krishna’sKaishor) is the source (cause) of agitation’.
His kaishor is sweeter than sweet. Srimad Rupa Goswâmi has written, “Krishna’s beauty is inexpressibly sweet.” – [U.N. 10. 33]
Sri Vishâkhâ said to Sri Râdhâ -”My dear Râdhe! Sri Krishna’s bluish brilliance that resembles the fresh clouds is stopping the heartbeats of decent damsels. His actions are forcibly stealing their eyes. O Sumukhi[4]! How will the women of honourable lineage remain on the path of dharma if they are bereft of their hearts and eyes? Madhav’s extreme sweetness is agitating the chastity of these dignified women!”
– [U.N. 10, 37]
‘Sweetness’ is defined as ‘that which steals the heart.’ Sri Krishna is the very embodiment of sweetness; therefore, He is all-captivating.
The Mahâjan says -
The Supreme Heart-stealer |
“His hair steals the heart, His attire steals the heart and His garland of Mâlati flowers steals the heart. His sparkling gem studded earrings steal the heart and his beautifultilak steals the heart. Look Sakhi! How Mohan plays a heart–stealing song on the flute with His heart–stealing lips.
Everything about Him steals the heart – His body, the decoration of chandan, His hips and his golden yellow garment. His gait steals the heart, His speech steals the heart and his anklets steal the heart. Everything about the Heart–stealer steals the heart, says poet Shekhar Roy.”
When the sakhis heard Sri Râdhâ speaking in this manner they said – “O simpleton! Is there anyone whose heart he does not steal? But does everyone become mad like you?” Srimati replied – “chapalyad – api chapalan cheto vat harati hanta king kurmah?”
Meaning – “The heart of an adolescent maiden is naturally more fickle than even lightning. So you should blame my heart and not me.”
Actually, Srimati’s heart is not at all fickle. It is very serious and deep. Sri Krishna’s sweetness steals only the heart of a loving devotee and not a fickle heart. Sri Krishna steals a heart with great force when he finds great prem, so Her heart is stolen with maximum force and quickly. However, Sri Râdhâ thinks it is because Her heart is fickle, so it is to be blamed.
Another explanation of ‘Châpalyad–api chapalan cheto vat harati hanta king kurmah?’
Srimati said, “Sri Krishna is verily manmatha–manmatha. Therefore, His kaishor has stolen my agitated heart and has driven me mad. Therefore, it is His fault. Now what do I do? There is nothing to be done.”
How is His kaishor?
It is Manmath personified. Srila Bhatta Goswâmipâd says, Sri Lilâshuk is saying that Sri Krishna is the source of Manmath, which means that Sri Krishna is much more beautiful than Manmath. His kaishor is inexpressible.
‘Vat’ indicates amazement. The poet is amazed at Sri Krishna’s wonderful kaishor. Sri Krishna’s kaishor steals the heart. We may ask, “When you know He will steal your heart, must not you try to defend yourself?” The poet replies – “There is no way I can prevent it – king kurmah? What can I do? I have no strength. Under any circumstance, I cannot give up the hope of attaining sakhi–bhâv. Sri Krishna’s kaishoris full of Supremely wonderful ras in its totality.”
What sort of kaishor?
It is more restless than all that is restless. Srila Chaitanya dâs Goswâmipâd says, Sri Lilâshuk feels that Sri Krishna alone is responsible for maddening the heart. Sri Krishna is the source of Manmath – one who agitates the heart. His inexpressibly sweetkaishor steals the heart. ‘Hanta’ means ‘Alas! What do I do?’ We may suggest – let us all get together and hold the heart. Then he will not be able to steal it.
To this, the poet replies – “He has made my heart more restless than everything that is restless. You cannot hold it.” What makes the heart so restless? Sri Krishna’skaishor that is sweeter than sweet.