Krishna the supreme godhead.He shows the mercy to us by the Mahaprabhu.Mahaprabhu is Sree Krisna and Sree Radha
in Kaliyug.In this time he recover the sinful man allover the India.That time he Says that in every place of the world his name will be chanted by everybody.After 500 years Sreela Prabhupada Came and go to western country for publicity
of Mahaprabhu.Sreela Prabhupada is Saktabes Avatar according to his mercy for the sinful world.He elevated the total
sinful men and women of the world in Mayapur Golakdham which is now known as spritual capital of the world and the birth place of Mahaprabhu(The supreme power Sree Krisna and Sree Radha) and the holyname of Hara Krisna Hare Krisna Krisna Krisna Hare Hare Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare is now in all of the city's culture.After Sreela Prabhupada, his books are the most valuable for spreadout the Krisna culture to city to city,village to village and home to home for every person.Now our all of the Gurudevas are engaged for spread out the Krisna consciousness
to enact their duties for Sreela Prabhupada.So to elevated on spritual platform we would be Krisna Bhakta by any means.