Partha Dasa: Today, February 9th, a most dear friend and fellow Grihastha Vision Team member, Karnamrita Prabhu left this world. Karnamrita was someone who cared about others in a deep meaningful way and devoted his life to make the lives of others better; someone who knew the meaning of love and lived it through his words and actions; someone who made everyone feel relaxed, valued and accepted.
Karnamrta always added an element of humor and lightness that would allow even a six-hour meeting to pass like a few moments. In our numerous meetings, we always knew that one of Karnam’s quips might be coming around the corner, and he never failed to deliver.
With the loss of his and Krsnanandini’s association, a large void is left in our hearts. Rather than praying for the wellbeing of these two great souls after their departures, I pray that from their exalted destinations with Lord Krsna and Srila Prabhupada, they will look down and pray for us.
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