

Hare Krishna,

Yes, in the mundane sense, no one can escape the results of one's karmic debts - in other words, the family and friends we have today are a result of our debts to those individuals. However, instead of running away from them saying they are not Vaishnavas, we should very skillfully see how they can become Vaishnavas... in this connection, it is important to note that the transformation is gradual, for example, it may appear that someone has "suddenly become a devotee" but meanwhile it was a gradual process over 30 years. I don't know how many millions of lifetimes it has taken me to get to this point, and you don't know how you have reached where you are also. Undoubtedly, countless Vaishnavas have given me their mercy,  given me Krishna Prasadam, told me about Krishna, engaged me knowingly or unknowingly in devotional service, chanted the Holy Names so I could hear, and therefore now, in this lifetime, after a long time of absorbing the knowledge and accepting the Vaishnavas' mercy, I am able to take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master. The same with you all, many many great Vaishnavas have given you their mercy.

So now, please do your best to become pure devotee, beg for the mercy of the bona fide spiritual master, serve the Vaishnavas, then your entire family may be delivered because of your purity. If they are not delivered immediately, at least they will progress closer to Krishna due to your influence.

Simply do your best, that is the meaning of devotee, one who never stops trying to give others Krishna.

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