Join ISKCON Disciple Course


ISKCON Disciple Course is a training program that deepens devotees’ understanding of guru tattva (truth) within the multiple guru environment of ISKCON. Designed for new devotees preparing to take initiation, the course is also recommended for leaders, preachers, and educators in ISKCON.

Course Summary

ISKCON Disciple Course was developed under the direction of the Guru Services Committee, with the combined efforts of leading educators in ISKCON. It is based on the teachings of Srila Prabhupada and the current ISKCON Law and references the writings of the broader Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. The lessons include ppt presentations, interactive workshops, forums, quizzes, assessment exercises, and additional videos to help students better understand presented topics and form spiritually healthy, constructive relationships with their gurus and senior Vaishnavas.


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