Jijnasa 2022 International Conference


Jijnasa 2022 International Conference by ISS Delhi
Institute for Science and Spirituality (ISS) in association with the Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) Division of the Ministry of Education, Govt of India has organised a two-day international conference, जिज्ञासा-2022 on the theme
“Science and Philosophy in Indian Knowledge Systems” at Noida International University on 17 th and 18 th December. 
IKS is a term for India’s vast knowledge traditions popularized by Ministry of Education, Govt of India. It can be classified into chaturdasha (14) vidya and chatuhshasthi (64) kala as known in ancient India. The subject of enquiry
spans practically all branches of human enquiry, viz., architecture and engineering, pure sciences, earth sciences, biosciences, literature, philosophy, law and justice, grammar, mathematics and astronomy, metrics, agriculture, mining, metallurgy, trade and commerce, Ayurveda and yoga, medicine and life sciences, geography, military science, etc.
After a rigorous review process, around 45 papers were short-listed for oral presentations in the conference. The scientific discussion spanned over three primary areas, i.e., Fundamental Sciences in IKS, IKS-based ancient technologies and philosophical foundation of IKS. More than 250 participants attended the event in person and more than 100 attended virtually.

10920880855?profile=RESIZE_584xProf. Stuart Hameroff, an internationally acclaimed researcher in Consciousness studies at the University of Arizona was the chief guest at the event. Prof. Laxmidhar Behera, Director of the Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi enthralled the audience with his fabulous reflection on Bhagavat Samkhya's perspectives of matter and mind. 
Other notable guests of this event were Prof. Girish Chandra Tripathi, Chairman, Higher Education Council, Uttar Pradesh, Prof Ganti S. Murthy, National Coordinator, IKS Division, Ministry of Education, Govt of India, Prof. Virendra Kumar Vijay IREDA Chair Professor, CRDT, IIT Delhi & National Coordinator – Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA), MHRD, Govt. of India and Prof. Uma Bharadwaj, VC, Noida International University.
Talks by Dr. Raj Vedam from the Hindu University of America, Prof. C. Upendra Rao from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Prof. Nirmalya Guha from IIT BHU, Dr. M.A. Alwar from the University of Mysuru, Prof. Ithamar Theodor
from Zefat Academic College, Israel and many others made everyone reflect deeply into the scientific and philosophical heritage of ancient India. Moreover, several avenues of modern scientific investigations based on our ancient
knowledge systems were chalked out for further scientific and philosophical research.

Source: http://www.dandavats.com/?post_type=post&p=104806#

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