Indira Nayee passed away from cancer. She was a great devotee, wife, parent and a devout member of our community. She moved to Canada from Africa with her husband, Tusti Mohan and their two boys (my Sunday school students) decades ago. Here is my poem—a tribute to her:
Our obeisances to a dear lady
Of refinement, nothing short of holy
Quietly she would move about
Not raise her voice, nor even a shout
Carrying the pure nature of a mother
Hard-pressed we are to find another
Focused and getting each detail done
Whether at a chair or simply on the run
Her attitude of service, so well she understood
With intent to make sure all was so good
Loyal to Tusti—life-long friend
A bond we thought would never really end
It is the nature of the beast—this life
Which the Gita tells exudes much strife
We must now accept her divine passing
Indignity we take it as a blessing
Strong love for Krishna, family, community
And to life’s illusions, she built up an immunity
We may lessen the grieving for all is joyous
We shall sing the mantra in sweet chorus
©Bhaktimarga Swami, The Walking Monk
I walked a brisk one today, at Sherborne and Bloor Streets.