In Santa Clara by Bhaktimarga Swami


When today’s presentation was to be at the Ecological Center in the heart of Santa Clara Zoo, I was pleasantly surprised. And it was outdoors with a good fifty or so people, many of them well read, including doctors and teachers, that got on their feet from their chairs, as I and companion monks came in sight. What an honor! I don’t deserve that, but to tell you the truth, there’s lots of great culture in Cuba.

The program opened up with a Thai Chi presentation by three experts in the field. That was graceful. Then massage therapist, Laksminath, introduced me to say something on the topic of the ecological view of bhakti yoga. So here was the opportunity to say something about my green statement – walking across Canada four times, the United States once, and a few other countries that allowed me to pilgrimage their territories.

“The marathon walking was great for the health, but it also enhanced my sensitivity. It helped my introspection and boosted my respect for the sacredness behind all the environment has to offer.”

I recited some verses from The Gita that supported my position, and then encouraged all there to go for sacred sound vibration with a warm-up voice exercise, and then yoga dance. My translator, a doctor, really had his steps down good. I could see him move to “Uptown Funk.”

This was a super appreciative group. They were thrilled, and relished the guava chai afterwards. I had never seen so many cell phones as cameras being used. It looks like everyone in Cuba has one. Naturally, we had a peek at the lions, zebras, and hippo.


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