Deena Bandhu Das: Please join us in prayers!! I requested a few weeks ago for my dear older Godbrother, Nara Narayan Prabhuji and now on January 2nd, Krishna has finally taken him surrounded by devotees and children at the apartments in Los Angeles doing kirtan. Srila Prabhupada nicknamed him Visvakarma for his many wonderful services including making the first very ornate Vyasasana and engineering the up and down movement of the rath carts among many. Srila Prabhupada loved him dearly and he was always a strong Prabhupada man.
Honoring Nara-Narayana das through his memories of Srila Prabhupada
Ramesvara Das: Dear Devotees
Hare Krsna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I am writing to describe a glimpse of the truly amazing glories of my eternal Godbrother and transcendental friend, Sriman Nara Narayan Prabhu.
Many of us have heard of his incredible pastimes in the 1960s, serving with Sriman Jayananda Prabhu and other pioneering devotees in the San Francisco area. He invented the retractable canopy concept for the Lord’s Chariots.
I know that when the first printing press was purchased and installed in the newly acquired Boston temple in 1969, the weight of the printer was weakening the joists and floor boards of the ground floor, and before it crashed through into the basement, Nara Narayan Prabhu saved the press by designing steel (or iron) lolly columns in the basement to brace and hold up the floor above.
I know that in 1975 in New Dwaraka, he helped me organize and manage the entire BBT art department to produce the artwork needed for the 15 volumes of Sri Caitanya Caritamrita and the two Fifth Canto volumes (the 17-book 2-month BBT marathon) He stayed on with the BBT to help make sure that the BBT art never again fell behind Srila Prabhupada’s translating pace for the Sixth, Seventh. Eighth, Ninth and beginning of the Tenth Cantos.
In the spring of 1977 Sriman Jayananda Prabhu had a direct vision of Lord Jagannatha requesting that he create a Rathayatra Festival in Los Angeles. Jayananda Prabhu gave up the experimental cancer treatments in Mexico to rush up to New Dwaraka and inspire us to conduct the first LA Rathayatra. Sriman Nara Narayana Prabhu helped us conceive of a new revolutionary festival format for all Rathayatra Festivals to follow. He designed a totally enclosed huge park area with pandal walls on all sides and two huge Orissan stylized Arches, with stages at each end many booths displaying the art, culture and philosophy of Gaudiya Bhakti- along with the life-size Changing Bodies exhibit and many booths selling delicious varieties of Prasadam- all in addition to the amazing Free Feast, and Elephant rides. Once a person was inside this enclosed area they couldn’t see out into the material world- all anyone could see, hear, taste, smell and touch was the transcendental world that Lord Jagannatha, Lord Baladeva and Lady Subhadra brought with Them. Out of this came the traveling Festival of India for all future North American Rathayatra Festival exhibits.
He was a creative genius and always was a completely sold out “Prabhupada Man”
I can never repay my debt to him for working with me at the BBT and with Festivals, and being my loving senior Godbrother and devotee friend.
All of us owe him a great debt of gratitude and love, for all the service he rendered to Srila Prabhupada
I personally observed on numerous occasions the loving exchanges he had with Srila Prabhupada. I witnessed Srila Prabhupada’s boundless love and mercy that His Divine Grace poured into him
I am humbled and honored to consider myself eternally his aspiring servant and devotee friend and Godbrother forever, as the grateful lowly Ramesvara dasa