
If One's Religion Allows Meat Eating?

Question: If One's Religion Allows Meat Eating?

Please accept my humble and respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

Thank you for your wonderful and insightful emails. I am sorry to worry you with my query.

Just a question regarding the other “faiths” – Muslim, Christian, Jews etc. We know for a fact that they are meat eaters (including eating of the sacred cow). What is their position in their next lifetime? Do they go down the spiritual ladder or do they elevate in terms of holding them to their teachings? Many of them argue that meat eating is allowed and are adamant that God has created animals for satisfying their tongues. 


Answer: All Animal Eaters Become Animals

No matter what one's religious belief may be, if he has killed an animal or paid someone else to kill an animal, as in the case of most flesh eaters, he must himself be killed by that same animal. Therefore in Sanskrit the word for flesh is mamsa. Mam means "me," and sa means "he." So mamsa means that as I am eating an animal, that animal will in future eat me. This exchange will occur with each animal that one has eaten. Just as the law of gravity works equally on everyone no matter what is one's religion, the law of karma also works equally on everyone without regard to their religion. This is why even the Bible commands its followers not to kill. 

Sankarshan Das Adhikari


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