How to Keep Ourselves in God's Love?

By the Lord's arrangement, I happened to meet my college friend after a long time during a preaching program. It was a nostalgic moment for both of us, as our eyes met and all sweet memories resurfaced. In college she used to be extremely restless, constantly searching for peace and solace. She would frequent mosques, gurudwaras, churches and monasteries in search for eternal peace. She would listen to any and every discourse by mundane self proclaimed Gods posing as self-realized souls. Caught in the web of these pseudo-saints, who simply misguide innocent souls, she was lost in the forest of nescience. She was left perplexed, confused and bewildered. Just like her, there are so many of us who with a view to achieve fruitive results, observe fasts for certain material gains or visit shrines and knock on doors of different demigods only when we are in distress or to ask for some benefaction from them.
A chaste devotee of the Lord does not look to others, namely any other living being or demigod, for peace, happiness or even for deliverance from danger.
By building up ourselves on our most holy faith, and praying with selfless sincerity, we must patiently wait for the mercy of the Supreme Lord with perennial eternal spiritual life in view, and by constantly engaging in His unalloyed devotion, we can keep ourselves in God's love.
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