
How to Attain Complete Surrender?

Question: How to Attain Complete Surrender?

In order to taste pure love for Krishna we should surrender to Krishna completely. So can you tell me what is complete surrender and how to practice it in a simplified manner? 

Thank you,

Your servant,


Answer: Take Shelter of the Bona Fide Guru

It's very simple. Complete surrender means to strictly abide by the instructions given by the Lord. This cannot be done by mental speculation. You have to be trained by someone who is fully conversant with the orders of the Lord and is fully surrendered to Him. Srila Rupa Goswami therefore states that the very first step on the path of surrender to the Lord is to take complete shelter of the bona fide master. Such a qualified guru will then perfectly train you how to be fully absorbed in loving devotional service so that you can quickly and easily attain the supreme perfection of going back to home, back to Godhead.

Sankarshan Das Adhikari

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