How Do We Make Each Other More Krsna Conscioius? This question greets me each time I come to my Iskcon Desire-tree Network page. A similar question greets me on my Facebook page. I replied to that thus :"Whenever I come to my page there is a note in the comment box, "What's on your Mind?"Well Krsna of course! I've been working on my mind for 37 years and it's actually beginning to give up resiting. I think about Krsna. I talk about Krsna. I Eat, Sleep, (given up Mateing) and I Defend Krsna on a daily basis. I work for Krsna under the guidance of His most dear Friend, Srila Prabhpada, by who's Grace I am advancing in Friendship towards the Lord... Thank you Srila Prabhupada... "Srila Prabhupada once told me in response to my begging him to "Please Help Me!""I have Given You Everything ! Now, Just Help Yourself !"Helping our Selves is done by accepting Srila Prabhupada's Gift of Everything, all knowledge and Facilities for reawakening our Dormant Love of God, Krsna Consciousness. Then applying it to free ourselves from the clutches of Illusion. A helpless person cannot help another helpless person. One must be Safe in order to Save others. Srila Prabhupada once told us to 'Save Yourself " When asked how we can save ourself he replies " If Krsna is pleased with you, then He can save you. So how can we please Krsna and get His favour?" He then went on to explain, giving the example of the Rich or Powerful man who may have a favorite son, or pet dog. The Spiritual Master is the pet dog of God and if you show respect and affection for the Great man's, or God's favorite pet dog then He becomes pleased with you. So if you Please the Spiritual Master then God is Pleased and If Krsna is Pleased, you are Saved."How can we please you, Srila Prabhupada?" he was asked. "You can Save the World !" was Srila Prabhupada's reply !So, we can help ourselves by helping others to become Krsna Conscious. The Samkirtana of the Holy Names. That's how we can Save the World. We can help other devotees of Lord Caitanya become more Krsna Conscious by being more Krsna Conscious or Prabhupoada Conscious. Srila Prabhupada is our link to Krsna. That link is through hearing and following. So the more we are conscious of Srila Prabhupada through hearing and following his Vani the more we automatically advance towards our goal of Love for Krsna.. Every day, every moment is an oppartunity to increase our love for God and a moment lost is, Lost! Irretrievable!So Take shelter under the lotus feet of of Krsna, Visnupada or Prabhupada..Reading and hearig Srila Prabhupada's Vani. Especially Hear His Recorded Vani. His Transcendental, Pure chanting and Glorification of the Lord, revealing Him to the sincere, attentive listener, is essential in our Spiritual developmernt. This sabdha-brahma is the actuall prosess for recieving Transcendental Knowledge and SrilaPrabhupada has arranged for you to hear from him directly.. Please take Shelter of His Lotus Feet Form that position of Shelter we can offer Shelter and being Enthused by such Association we can Enthuse others..Hare Krsna... All glories to His Divine Grace , Srila Prabhuada...
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