I joined Krishna consciousness in ’73. The following is an homage to those residents in the ashram that I remember.
I was molded by the group on the street Gerrard
In those early days we worked together very hard
For the mission of our dear Srila Prabhupada
Our guru and magnanimous representative of God
We had given up the opportunities for a college degree
Instead laid a foundation for a spiritualized humanity
It meant very long hours in the heat and the snow
Out to the public to give what few did know
I recall how we didn’t fight or squabble
Although at times there was challenge and trouble
In our neighbourhood in shady Cabbagetown
Drunkards and druggies would stumble around
Bonding us more, compelling us to pray
There was the ghost that came out of the attic
The Sunday Love Feasts were most revolutionary
There were easily forty of us all crammed in
In ‘75 we received a visit from His Divine Grace
When we viewed a church in a very nice place
At address two-four-three on Avenue Road
For us it would be the ultimate spiritual abode
He approved the purchase, all went for the move
It was felt on all counts things would improve
They did, for the most part, in this special location
All got married while I kept to my single vocation