Hidden Valley Park by Bhaktimarga Swami



There are these hidden treasures that commuters on major highways are unaware of, as their routine command, they remain on routes of monotony. I’m referring to those tucked away pieces of paradise; waterways that cut through the terrain to reach their final destination, after a twisty journey, to massive Lake Ontario.

Myself and our group of Bhakti Academy met in Burlington, population 206,000, with Jagannatha Misra, president of ISKCON in that city, and then made our way to Hidden Valley Park along Grindstone Creek for our outing for the day. Five minutes of walking into that wooded area and we met a young man working for the parks system who was trying to get some blueprints to behave in the tossing breeze.

“Do you need some help holding those down?” I asked.

“No thanks”, said the smiling chap.

“Are you doing some work on the creek?” indicating that the city may be using some tax dollars to protect our green and natural spaces. Personally, I always feel protected when I see governments use some finance for this cause.

“Yes,” replied the worker. “We are endeavoring to check erosion and that sort of thing.”

“Good luck! Hare Krishna!”

As we moved further on, we felt the creek’s presence until we came to a lengthy boardwalk, which allowed nature lovers to transcend the swamps. The trip was all so fine. It is easy to reflect on Krishna in such sublime surroundings. We were soaking up all such great features of nature and also connecting with people (trail blazing freaks) who are just like us.

10882769871?profile=RESIZE_400xSource: http://thewalkingmonk.blogspot.com/2022/11/tuesday-november-01-2022.html

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