HH Niranjana Swami in Istanbul

By Nrsimha Krsna Das

We have welcomed HH Niranjana Swami in Istanbul for the 4th time just recently. Here is a just brief update about it. Maharaja was here in 2008 for the first time however we did not make any program that time. Maharaja then visited us again 2013, 2014 and this year from 31th Jul to 4 Aug. We organized 3 programs in our Goranga Yoga center. Turkish attendance was very good although it was very hot summer weekend.

In 3 programs we had total of 90 guests. Maharaja was first day talking about Sannyasa Yoga and he was reading from Bhagavad Gita 6th chapter. Maharaja was explaining how yoga is done as tapasya and the relationship between eightfold yoga system and bhakti yoga in a very simple way that even first time comers could understand it perfectly. I don’t need to mention about kirtans since we all know how Maharaja’s kirtans. We were chanting as if we were above clouds, not touching to the ground. Second day program Maharaja introduced Sri Hari Namastakam prayers to the Turkish audience. He was explaining prayers with full of emotions by remembering passing of HH Sridhara Swami in Mayapur in 2004.

Maharaja wanted to distribute prasadam and he did it in Sunday Feast. Third day, Maharaja was talking about greatest fear we have and how we can overcome it. Analogies he was explaining just perfect. Then he was explaining what surrendering means and how and to whom we can surrender. At the end of lecture Maharaja was initiating his first disciple in Turkey. Maharaja named Bhaktin Asli as Amala Prema devi dasi. It is the second initiation ceremony in our Goranga Center in 2 years.

Maharaja inspired many souls to be more serious on devotional service to the Lord Caitanya and Srila Prabhupada. 5 new devotees asked Maharaja’s help to advance in spiritual life and they became aspiring disciples of Maharaja. Niranjana Maharaja was very satisfied with developments of Turkish Yatra and he will visit us again in the future.

We feel most fortunate to have such senior disciples of HDG Srila Prabhupada in Turkey . It is just amazing! We are now looking forward to HH Badrinarayan Swami’s visit and our Bhakti Yoga camp with HH Sivarama Swami in September.

HDG Srila Prabhupada ki Jaya!
HH Niranjana Swami Maharaja ki Jaya!

Your servant, Nrsimha Krsna das

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