
In the sixth episode of Vartalap, we were blessed with the opportunity to interview one of the very first disciples of Srila Prabhupada, HG Rukmini mataji. She has been practicing Krishna Consciousness for more than half a century and is an activist in women’s spiritual empowerment and interfaith dialogue. She leads workshops and retreats internationally.
We hope this episode will empower you in Bhakti and deepen your relation with Srila Prabhupada
Following is the list of questions that were asked:

1:14 What made you trust an Indian swami to surrender your life in this Krishna consciousness movement
3:13 ISKCON 1960s Vs ISKCON 2020
5:11 Advice for women for being a devotee, a wife, a mother and Krishna lover
7:20 How your perspectives over these years have changes, matured or remains the same
11:42 What kind of education parents can give to their kids so that they are balanced materially and spiritually?
16:14 What were some of your conscious steps towards upbringing your wonderful son Gaurvani?
19:58 What exactly is Interfaith and what is its significance ?
23:06 Golden secret behind your ever-increasing enthusiasm!
25:19 One Humorous as well as grave moment with Srila Prabhupada
31:38 Rapid Fire round

Source: http://www.dandavats.com/?p=83900

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