11th July 2009
It was evening 5 pm and all sincere souls were eagerly awaiting the arrival of bus party from Ujjain. All gathered at centre, our Uncle’s house and started arranging each and every thing of the centre. Full place was cleaned, mats were arranged, altar was cleaned & decorated, Vyasasana was put, andall wore the traditional Bengali dhoti and gauriya tilak. Each second seemed tobe as large as a day. Suddenly we have received information of soon arrival ofthe bus. All gathered outside on the street and started to chant the holy name.As chanting full fills all the desires within the heart soon a big whitecoloured bus with big letters ”HARE KRISHNA” imposed on it started arrivingtowards us. Kirtan’s tone became fast and as the bus stopped in front of thecentre all glorified Prabhupada. Devotees came out of the bus with variousinstruments in their hands and joined in the kirtan. Uncle garlanded all ofthem and they came inside the centre. They were ten bhramcharies from ISKCONUjjain. As they entered the centre they offered obeisance and took darshan ofthe lord. On all devotees’ request HG Gopikant Prabhu lead the evening kirtan.thekirtan became fast and suddenly all stood for dancing. Although space was notenough but all were blissfully dancing there. Even many were standing outsideand the adjoin room. Here the statement fits”Prabhupada had built a home inwhich whole world can live”. Then all came out of the centre and gone on foottowards “kasturi garden” where the arrangements were done for the devotees’residence. While moving there all sung mahamantra. Devotees also glorified thecentre’s all arrangements for preaching, specially the library. Then it wasalready 7.30 and a special guest was going to come that time itself. All rushedto the railway station so as to receive him in a traditional way. All gatheredthere with various instruments and started chanting Hare Krishna mahamantra.Some of them even danced very enthusiastically. Suddenly a horn blew and trainarrived at the station. We ran to the particular train compartment. There wasan extraordinary glowing personality in saffron robes. He was all glorious HGGanaganarayan Prabhu! As came down the compartment all gave their obeisance tothe His Grace. Then with the loud kirtan voice the group the devotees leaded byHG Ganganarayan Prabhu began to walk though the station. Then he reached to theawaiting car standing outside the station. Car was driven by Uncle whereas AnilPr, Chetan Pr, kartik were sitting with prabhuji. There he asked about all ofour studies and revealed that this is his first time in guna. He finallyreached the centre where another group of devotees were singing the kirtan. Hefinally gone inside the centre and took the darshan of the lord. Then he seatedover his glorious Vyasasana and started manglacharana. He then stared speakingand some of the words are “there is no big city, no big centre of ISKCON, nosanyasi; no GBC in guna then also Krishna consciousness is spreading likeanything. How much empowerment does Rahul Prabhu has so as to empower others.Guna should become a role model for all other cities and should teach them byits own example. Surely one day guna will be the city where all will be thedevotees. You all are very good as whenever you get time you are coming toUjjain again and again so as to respond you I should come again and again. If Iagain get the human life then I pray that I should get my birth in this type ofassociation.” Then he took Bhagavat Gita class on the three verses from secondchapter. He mainly focused that even though one is most sinful without adiscrimination this duty of a vaishnav to help him to get out of this materialworld. Then prabhuji had gone to his residence in kasturi garden and there hemet all again. He also told devotees that he can also come to their houses thenext day. All were very ecstatic to have the association of these pure devoteesof lord. All have gone their respective homes and again came at 5 am for themangala aarti. After mangala aarti all have done their japa. At 6 am there wasthe time for NAGAR SANKIRTAN. All including HG Ganganarayan Prabhu, HGVijayananda Prabhu, HG Rasananda Prabhu, HG Gopikant Prabhu, HG ShivaradhyaPrabhu, and all other devotees started street kirtan from kasturi garden. JaySri Krishna chaitanya Prabhu nityananda............... Then from the overbridge devotees moved towards jaistambha chauraha dancing and chanting. Thenall entered Lakshmi Narayan mandir, one of the oldest temples of guna. Althoughaltar was closed the presence of devotees had purified full atmosphere. As aresult one unknown man came and garlanded all the devotees. Then the sankirtanparty moved to lakshmiganj and then towards mathur colony. Devotees veryenthusiastically dancing and preaching the message of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhuin guna. Then devotees had their stop at kartik’s house where HG GanganarayanPrabhu met all the family members. Then sankirtan straight moved back from Preycolony.
At sharp 7 am, sankirtan party reached back tothe garden where the arrangements were made for the morning class. HGGanganarayan Prabhu took his seat on Vyasasana & HG Radharadhya Prabhu sang“Guru Vandana”. Immediately after itBhagavat Gita lecture started and the topic was verse 10.10. Prabhu hadspecially focused on the flowchart which was like this- firstly the practice ofconstant loving devotional service, secondly by following it one will receiveintelligence from Krishna and finally by that intelligence one can reach backhome, back to Godhead. Lecture was followed by wonderful vaishnav song by HGGanganarayan Prabhu “jeeva jago jeeva jago” and then brilliant Prashadam, thecauseless mercy of the lord.
At 11 am HG Ganganarayan Prabhu was ready to go to various houses of the students. A car came and he had left the garden. He was accompanied by Uncle and kartik. Firstly he visited to Neetesh pr’s house where he was greeted and honoured. There were all familymembers of Neetesh pr and some of the devotees. After a long conversation of one and half hour he left from there forkartik’s house. Before his arrival devotees started kirtan with variousinstruments and after his arrival it was as if full temple had been came to theplace. He and Uncle seated and Prabhu started talking each and everyonepersonally. There were all family members of kartik, uncles, and variousdevotees who witnessed the program. Then after he visited Mahek pr’s housewhere he had talked personally to all family members. There also he wasreceived in the same way as others. Finally he visited Nitin pr’s house wasanother program arranged. There were various families, students, and devotees whoattended the program. At all places His Grace had focused on various topics onthe basis of the problems faced by the audience. At all places he was servedwith prashadam and he distributed it with his own hands. His visit made allthese places purified forever and ensured the plantation of plant of Krishnaconsciousness in the hearts of all the listeners. He also gave sum of rupees1250/- for the centre’s development. After there was special mridanga andkartalas teaching class by one of the brahmacharis HG Radharadhya Pr. Variouspeople including SP of guna have come to met His Grace while other bhramcharieswere distributing Srila Prabhupada books in the city. The scene was as if thegarden had turned to temple. A program was planned for all students and parentsat the evening. All were invited. Surprisingly HG Ganganarayan Prabhu hadannounced that lecture would be taken in the form of various presentations byvarious students only. All were asked to submit their topics for presentations.By the help of HG Gopikant Prabhu all have decided their topics and matter forspeaking. Then the time was 7 pm when all parents gathered at the place. Gauraaarti was performed and all danced with their full enthusiasm. HG GanganarayanPrabhu personally played mridangam, HG Gopikant Prabhu lead the kirtan, and allliked the dance performed by one particular Prabhu. Then His Grace asked kartikto sing jay radha madhava, do mangalacharana and start his presentation inEnglish. He started his presentation which was on the topic “importance ofdevotional service”. Then Prabhu asked Mohit pr to give his presentation on histopic in Hindi. Then the following presentations were made by various devoteessuch as neetesh Prabhu, Mehek Prabhu and finally Anil Prabhu.
Then it was the time for HG Ganganarayan Prabhu himself to speak to the audience. He spoke briefly starting with the importance of Guru or spiritual master in one’s life. He told “there is so much water in the ocean but what is the use of that salty water for us?When sun evaporates the water and finally it comes as the rain then it life forus. In the same way Krishna is like a vast ocean, and guru is the deity of themercy of lord. It is he who actually makes the mercy of lord available for us.”After this small lecture he took mridangam and started to sing mahamantra.After this small kirtan all took Prasad and Prabhuji went up for rest. Then thenext day he left back for Ujjain. In one day he actually purified the wholecity. Prabhuji himself told later on that he was happy with guna and peoplethere. All have confirmed that if once Prabhuji came here and he is happy thenthat day is very near when Srila Bhakti Charu Swami Guru Maharaj will bestowHis Divine Grace on the city residents.
All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!!!
All glories to Srila Prabbupada!!!
All glories to Srila Guru Maharaj!!!
Hare Krishna ki Jay
Please Accept My Humble Obeisances
All Glories To Srila Prabhupada
Very beautiful description. It was as if I am seeing every thing before my eyes and I was part of them too.
Thank you very much. Guna ISKCON ki Jaya.