“Hey, Walking Monk!” shouted the soul from the window of his vehicle as I was approaching Bloor Street. I wasn’t sure in the beginning who the greeter was, so I moved closer.
“Remember me?” he asked.
Looking closely, I could identify him. It was Johnny!
“It’s been a while.”
“Yes, it has.”
“I’m doing weddings, these days.”
“You mean you’re a priest?”
“No, just a thing.”
“Okay, thing.”
It was nice to see Johnny who had his two young daughters with him, and who joined in with salutations. “Goodbye Walking Monk!”
With my companions, we strolled off to our favourite park, Bellevue Square. There, we met three young chaps from nearby Woodbridge, who were enroute to a Beat-boxing competition on Queen Street. Unique about this bunch was their familiarity with the science of the Bhagavad-Gita. One of the chaps chants mantra and has read about bhakti-yoga. All three knew of Arjuna’s struggle, and how he became enlightened through Krishna’s words about dharma.
“A sense of duty,” remarked the one fellow of oriental origin. The other two, of Italian descent, were also thoroughly enjoying the conversation. Spiritual talk is what it was all about. It’s rare to find a group of guys, like these ones, talking also about the yuga-dharma, sharing sacred sound. https://www.instagram.com/p/BywFiePAt2d/?igshid=1pq2nyn2jt2ro