Health update of HH Lokanath Swami


Dear Devotees, Friends and Well-wishers of HH Lokanath Swami.

We would like to briefly inform you of Maharaja’s current health situation.
Last month Maharaja was diagnosed with acute laryngitis and his voice was badly affected. He was not able to speak clearly and gradually it was becoming more severe. After consultation with a renowned ENT specialist in New Delhi, Maharaja was suggested to undergo Laryngoscopy and was given proper treatment and therapy. Maharaja has responded really well and the doctors are very satisfied with the result. He has been very diligent in following the prescribed treatment recommended by the doctor which was complete voice rest for a minimum of six weeks. The more rest Maharaja’s voice gets, the faster the recuperation.

Because of this very reason, all of Maharaja’s current engagements till the end of December have either been canceled or postponed.

Currently, Maharaja is in Vrindavan and is absolutely fine, following his routine schedule.

We kindly request you to continue praying.

Here is a personal message from HH Lokanath Swami:

Dear Devotees,

Please accept my blessings. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I rarely get time for myself so this is a luxury and a blessing in disguise. I am enjoying private chanting, studying and a health retreat.

You should all continue to chant on the Zoom conference. The recordings are there for that purpose.

Prepare enthusiastically for the upcoming Gita Marathon in December and I wish you all success in your endeavor to distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books.

Thank you for keeping me in your prayers and praying for my better health.

I hope this finds you all in good health and in high Krishna conscious spirits.

Your well wisher,
Lokanath Swami


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