"Wishing you a very happy married life", we often hear these wishes during wedding ceremonies....How do we create a really successful and happy married life? Especially when we are aspiring devotees of Krishna?
1.First of all, make sure that your partner/ would be partner is interested in serving Krishna. Whether he or she serves wonderfully...not an issue...the interest must be there.
2.Make sure he or she is not a materialistic person.It is perfectly fine to accumulate wealth, to have a promising bank balance but never ever give place to greediness. Don't choose a person who is only money minded....Money is never enough...Don't marry a person who will make you work like a donkey for the rest of life.....accumulating wealth without any purpose.
3. Life's best things is usually the simplest things.Like Prabhupada often says,"Simple living, High thinking".Dont give too much importance to material comfort...in fact lead a simple life and offer all the best things to Krishna.
4.Serve the Vaishnavas.Vaishnavas' blessings are an important aspect in grihasta life. Invite Vaishnavas to your home. Serve them with sumptuous prashadam.Buy them gifts during festivals or any important family events.Treat them like your own family members.Be generous to them.
5. Avoid unnecessary sex....Sex is totally not good even in legal marriage.At certain point of time, sex should be fully given up even in grihasta life.... Having sex for the purpose of having children is fine but other than that, minimize as much as you can.
6.Pray together, do arati together, take Prasadam together.Watch Krishna conscious videos together.Chant together. Enhance your relationship by doing something for the pleasure of Krishna.Visit holy places together.
7.Once you have children, you must try your level best to make them Krishna conscious.In fact, that is your biggest duty. Since they are infants, show them Krishna's pictures,teach them short bhajans. As they grow up, encourage them to read Krishna's stories..Of course you read with them too.Chant with them.Teach them good moral values by showing examples.Dont fight or argue in front of them.Never.
8.When there is a problem, don't point finger at each other....solve it intelligently together instead....Don't find fault on each other.
9.Spend at least 30 minutes every week to discuss about the welfare of your family.First, of course your krishna consciousness.Whether you both are completing your rounds, chanting attentively...of course you can also discuss financial issues and so on as well.
10.Lastly, be determined that whatever happens, you are not going to leave Krishna...if you have this determination, even if you want to leave, Krishna wont leave you.
Hare Krsna Dhameshvari Mataji
I can sent Grihastha life CD to you also in case you cover up the courier charges. I think it will come around 700 INR maximum , you can order other CDs also "The Ultimate Self Realization" containing 33 lectures and 2 qs and answer session in end or more Grihastha CDs for local distribution to your friends n relatives.
awaiting your reply - my email id haladhardasa@gmail.com, harish.jcbl@gmail.com
thank you.
your servant
Haladhar Das
P.S.: plz do join www.backtohome.com
HARE KRISHNA..PRANAM...thank you Aman Prabhu....Grihasta life is in fact something very challenging and should be handled with lots of care......
Hare Krishna....Pranam....Haladhar prabhu, how do I order the cd online? is it possible....Im in Malaysia. Thank you very much.
Hare Krsna mata ji,
Well done very good description of happy married lifes, must say share by all devotee in their FB account..
your servant
Radhe Radhe
Hare Krsna Dear Sri Krsna devotees !
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada and his faithful servitors!
Thank you for posting such a nice topic.
We are pleased to introduce you a CD (relevant to this topic of married life) of compiled lectures of our beloved teacher, His Grace Sriman Sankarshan Das Adhikari Prabhu titled “GRIHASTHA LIFE”. He is one of the dear disciples of His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada and is a travelling preacher as well as a initiating spiritual master. This lecture CD is equally beneficial both for Grihastha devotee as well as Brhamchari devotee. The cost of this CD is Rs. 50 only plus courier charges of Rs. 40, which comes out to Rs. 90 only. Image of CD is attached herewith for your reference please.
For further details, please mail at haladhardasa@gmail.com
Please give us a chance to serve you.
Your servant,