Sri Bhakti Das: On 10/17/2023 we held a new beautiful concert and cultural program in the Hall of Honor of the Supreme Court of Justice in Santiago, Chile. (Celebrating 200 years of the Courts).
This unforgettable event was dedicated to world peace and was led by His Excellency President of the Supreme Court, Mr. Juan Eduardo Fuentes Belmar. We have the special presence of Ministers, National Authorities, our beloved music teacher Millapol Gajardo, the President of Indian Association in Chile Mr KKishan Dadlani family and friends.
The photos of our Masters (Acaryas) were respectfully placed on the main podium and in addition to listening to the Maha Mantra, all attendees enjoyed a wonderful prasad cocktail and received books from Srila Prabhupada as a gift. All the musicians are Chilean, among them, the lawyer Sri Bhakti Das (in Rudra Veena, Sitar e Esraj), JJuan Elgueda(in Santoor and Tabla) Lalita Madhava Das (in Sarod and Mrdanga) and Yamuna Priya Radha (in Harmonio and Kartalas ).
The cocktail Prasad was headed by Manjuali Devi Dasi, book distribution by Indira Jahnava Devi Dasi, general logistics and management by Pundavanika Devi Dasi with the special collaboration of Bhaktin Antonia Pinochet. This beautiful video was made by Felipe Soto (Fas).
Special thanks to His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja, HH Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja, HH Dhanvantari Swami Maharaja, HH Priti Vardhana Swami Maharaja, HG YYasomati Devi Dasi Guruji Millapol Gajardo, Pandit Yograj Naik, Sri Samanwaya Sarkar, Sri Murali Mohan Gouda, Pandit Prabhat Mukherjee, Ustad Murli Manohar, Pandit Parto Sarathy, Valentina Sada, Viviana Quiñones, José Muñoz, Fernando Khas, Soledad Evans, Evelyn Araos, our families and friends.