A kind Sarva Rasa from Vancouver and his friend, Bharat from California, scooped me up at Vancouver’s airport and delivered me to Port Coquitlam for some recording on a “Green” initiative that’s chalked out by the ISKCON leaders of North America. Environment should be a top concern for everyone, especially for those on the spiritual path.
My hosts in this town are Janakijivan and Nandi Mukhi and I have to thank them for one of the better rests I’ve had in months. Their place on Manning Street is a quiet one, and in a neighborhood close enough to nature. In fact, bears frequently visit their home, usually at night, to see if their belly can get some satisfaction. It happens often enough but one at a time. I asked Janaki if he could please wake me up, even in the middle of the night, if you hear or see one scrounging around near the garbage. “I won’t mind the interruption. I like bear darshan.”
Yes indeed, it is great to have some tranquility. The last few days were of a high-pressure type; many appointments and getting stuck in traffic. I am simply reminded why I gave up my driving license years ago. While automobiles assist us in so many ways, they have also proven to add to the stress of life. There are just too many of them and it is hard to imagine any reverse of culture. I abhor the thought of future human mobility in the form of cars that fly. Ultimately, when such a thing occurs there will be, with no doubt, increased challenges placed upon the environment. This kind of concern should be taxing us all.
Source: http://thewalkingmonk.blogspot.com/2022/08/monday-august-8-2022.html