Good in New Glasgow by Bhaktimarga Swami


At times I feel like I am imposing, along with whatever crew I travel with, when we stay at someone’s home. Afterall, there are four of us (Myself, Mahadeva, Annapurna and Ryan) and that might be hard to accommodate. It could be an inconvenience.

The feedback I get from our hosts, almost all the time, is that they really appreciate the stayover. It makes a difference to those benevolent hosts. I get remarks like, “Your staying with us has helped me to get up earlier.” Or, I hear them saying, “I take my chanting more seriously now.” Or, “I’m walking everyday. I make that commitment.” Or, “You guys are saving my life.”

Such is the appreciation we receive from folks who just roll over a bit to make space and who also end up feeding us. We appreciate all our hosts do. Thank you, Ravi and family.

It is in New Glasgow that Ravi set us up, in coordination with Anna Purna, to speak at the New Glasgow Library. We filled the seats. Attendees participated in the mantra. We dubbed our program as “A Monk, A Mantra, and Music.” It worked. We had a good talking session. We had laughs. They had questions about the trail experiences. Some of the folks had walked sections of the famous Camino in Spain. Our book sold. Mantra cards were taken.

It was a grateful bunch. We enjoyed a great Ekadashi meal at the end. No grains once every two weeks. Greens and potatoes filled our bellies. We are happy, in general, on the road.


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