God Answers "Knee Mail" Not Email

By Achyut Gopal Das

I once heard a very interesting quote which said - "The distance between the problem and the solution is the distance between the knees and the ground." It means that - when we are hit by a problem that seems too overwhelming, we need to hit the ground and offer our earnest prayer to God. This is called "Knee mail" - it is more faster and efficiently than email.

You see, many problems can't be solved by us - they are too big for us but definitely not too big for God. When we bring God into our life by sincere, heartful prayers then problems eject out of our life. That is the power of prayers. The greatest power is to realize that we are powerless and thus seek refuge in the greatest power - the power of God. That is wisdom.

This is the mood in which we offer our prayers, chant our rounds and participate in Kirtans - the mood of surrender. In Sanskrit it is called "sharanagati" or "prapannam" - it is the essence of all scriptures and of all religions. This is the mood in which Draupadi cried out to the Lord when she was being disrobed by the powerful Dushaasan and this was the mood in which the elephant King, Gajendra cried out to the Lord when caught by the powerful crocodile.

You see, this world is filled with Dushaasan's and crocodiles who are all set to take away our peace and happiness. Let us convert these trials into blessings by using it as an impetus to establish that sublime connection with the Lord of peace and happiness by sending a knee-mail. This is a mail that will never bounce back, rather - it will help us bounce back stronger in life.

Source: https://thewisdompark.blogspot.com/2019/03/god-answers-knee-mail-not-email.html

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