Gita Jayanti

Gita Jayanti, also referred as Bhagawad Geetha Jayanthi, is the day when the Bhagvad Gita was rendered by Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the Kurukshetra on the first day of the famous 18-day battle in the Mahabharata. Gita Jayanthi falls on the Ekadashi day of Shukla Paksha (the bright half) of the Margashirsha month (November-December) in traditional Hindi calendar. In 2009, the date of Gita Jayanti is November 28.The greatest quality of Bhagavad Gita is that it prompts you to think, it prompts you to take decision, and it prompts you to look at life differently and refreshingly and all this without surrendering your individuality.Bhagavad Gita adapts to the present and discusses an issue by rooting itself in the present. Every moment a confused Arjuna opens the Gita to take the advice of Krishna. And through the immortal Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna has been discussing and debating and finding solutions to the various problems faced by the confused Arjunas for centuries and will continue to do the same forever.The day is observed all around the world with the reading of Bhagavad Gita, which is referred outside India as the Bible of the Hindus. Discussions and seminars are organized on the day.All Hindu temples, especially those dedicated to Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna, conduct special pujas and recitation of Bhagwad Gita on the day.
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