Getting to people by Bhaktimarga Swami


The rains continue, soft but cold and not conducive for walking, so we opted for taking those steps in the mall, St. Vital's Centre. Such places are obviously people places. I personally benefit from quality time with humans. Even though it is merely glances, nods or pranams, there is some connection and that is what is important.

From the shopping mall we ventured off to the home of Rahul and Payal for Kirtan and a fabulous healthy meal. They are newly weds and have a whole new life ahead of them.

A second sangha took place at a big home with a big gathering. They loved hearing about Krishna, butter, His mother, the boiling over milk, monkeys, a stick, some rope, some chastisement and some fun. We got everyone dancing and smiling. The mixed veg was superb. So that went on. Monica was the host and it was her daughter's birthday. A main feature was the cake.

There was just enough time for viewing the video taken of our drama "The Age of Kali," a production done in Mayapura. Our youth was enthralled to see a high quality performance. It held their attention and enhanced an appreciation for the arts and the role arts can play in promoting higher cautiousness.

I hope that some of our young folks will pick up on some of the skills required to take the culture of Krishna to the next level.

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