After quite the lengthy journey our ride from Gananoque to the current location in Quebec, the duet called Mahapurna and I settled in a heavenly lot with lake and massive meditation hall, a centre for “The Art of Living” folks. The occasion is something that occurs annually as “Vaishnava Sangha”. Vaishnava refers to those loyal to Vishnu (God). Sangha is defined as seeking association. The devotees of Ottawa organized the function which is highlighted by presenters on the science of devotion.
By the time we arrived, one of our senior ladies, Malati, was delivering her message about the time she had with our guru, Prabhupada. Oh, that was so sweet! Being one of the early takers to Krishna consciousness, she has a wealth of info about those pioneer days. She especially focused on how the guru exhibits the 26 qualities of a Vaishnava as outlined in the Bhagavad-gita.
Please reader, research these good saintly traits that makes one exceptional as a human. After all, our purpose in this world is to tweak all our endeavours – to fine tune.
The presentation by Malati, for me, establishes a theme for this Vaishnava event within the context of the ISKCON movement. Prabhupada is unique among gurus and is a true anchor for Krishna consciousness in the modern age.
I am glad to see an attendance of two generations participate including elders, some in their 70s, as well as ages in between.
It is important to note that Prabhupada is established as a major theme at the Vaishnava sangha.