Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in his Golden Avatar
We will celebrate the appearance of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu on March 19th. Since this is weekend day, everyone should have free time to participate in our festival. We want to spend the day chanting the Holy Name and hearing about Lord Chaitanya’s lila.
Guest Lodge will be open for Gaur Purnima. Please call 304-843-1600 Ext. 111 for reservation.
Who is Lord Chaitanya: is believed by Gaudiya Vaishnavas that Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is Lord Krishna Himself in the mood of Srimati Radharani. He is known to be the most magnanimous form of God who gives the love of God through very easy process of chanting the Holy Names of the Lord. It was Lord Chaitanya who inaugurated the chanting of ‘Hare Krishna Maha Mantra’ as the process of deliverance for the age of Kali. Sankirtana movement was started by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu which is gradually spreading throughout the world.Appearance and Childhood: Lord Chaitanya appeared as son of Jagannatha Mishra and Sachidevi who were descendants of brahmanas originally residing in Sylhet. It was the evening of 18th February 1486, when the moon was about to rise and there was a lunar eclipse, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu appeared. At that time people were engaged in purificatory methods of the eclipse shouting louding “Haribol!!!” and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu took birth amidst the Holy Names. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was a beautiful child with golden complexion. He was born under a nimba tree or Neem tree, thus was called as ‘Nimai’ by His mother and other ladies in the neighborhood. He was also called as ‘Gaura’ for His golden yellow complexion. Beautiful and attractive as He was, everyone loved to play with Him and came to see Him everyday. He had several pastimes in His childhood. Lord Chaitanya In his youth, Sri Chaitanya was erudite scholar and was unchallenged expert in Sanskrit. He soon became devotee of Lord Krishna after His father departure. He was associating with great devotees of that time and eventually became the eminent leader of Vaishnavas group. He was always seen with Lord Nityananda. The life of Lord Chaitanya is a vast literature and His pastimes are unlimited. In this article it is not possible to describe all the glories of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Celebrations: Gaudiya Vaishnavas celebrate Gaura Purnima with great reverence and devotion. They observe fast till the moon rise and temples of Sri Gauranga are decorated beautifully. Thousands of devotees from all over world throng at Mayapur, the birth place of Sri Chaitanya. The deities of Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda are bathed with holy waters and the abhisheka ceremony is performed in a splendorous way. Hare Krishna maha mantra reverberates in air and devotees sing and dance in joy.
New Vrindaban will be celebrating Gaura Purning with great joy and pomp.