Free writing

            My hand is on the key board. My heart and mind says i should write something. But what i have no idea. I know one thing that i will let my mind drive my fingers on the keys and some words will come out. But what words will come out even i dont know. I hope for your sake that it is something worthwhile and beneficial to the general mass of people. and what is more beneficial than talks of krishna consciousness. I had already warned you all that you are all going to be the guinea pigs so you are bound to tolerate my ramblings, with all the spelling and grammar and typing and punctuation mistakes.

               i really dont care about these things what matters is the thoughts and feelings which are expressed on this white sheet of paper. Our life is alos like a white sheet of paper and our hands are on the keyboard ready to write but it depends on what we write on the paper. whether we choose to write soemthing destructive or sometihng which will elevate not only our souls but uplift everyone who reads it. We have the choice. We have this tiny bit of independence of deciding what should i write on the clean white sheet of our mind. Should i choose to fill the mind with nonsense lusty thoughts or should i write soemthing which will elevate my consciousness to the divine.

                 Do we really have the choice/ if eveything is in our hands why do we always choose the wrong thing? Why do we always choose sense gratification rather than service to the Lord? Why do we always choose immersing our consciousness in the fire of lust, greed, pride and envy rather than drowning ourselves in the ocean of  nectar of devotion. Why Why Why??????? i have no answer cause i am writing we we we but it is actually only I I I. It is I who am making all the wrong choices. It is I who am completley at the mercy of my uncontrolled mind and senses not you all. You are all great souls striving to  serve guru and Krishna. My obeisances to you thousands of times. But i know one thing that lamenting will not help. complaining will not help. We have to just do it. Nike says it Just do it. meaning dont think i will try to do this i will try to chanting. i will try to hear more lectures. Dont try. Trying means i will never do it. Just DO IT" Do you understand that!! JUST DO IT.... Don't wait to try...

                so  i will leave now. And Get down to it.

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