
One generous donor left us four hefty bags of the local fiddleheads from New Brunswick. The province boasts being the capital of this delicious forest edible. We had some for breakfast and some for dinner.

A sweet treat. Healthy. Green.

It was also our pleasure to make it to Sunnyside Mall in the next province over – Nova Scotia. Just north of Halifax is the community called Bedford, and it was advertised at this shopping centre that the Walking Monk, along with the dream team of musicians – Mahadeva, Annapurna, and Ryan – would be conducting a walk-talk and meditational music.


The mall was dead for a Saturday, due to it being a long weekend (Victoria Day is Monday) and the weather was nice. However, those who did come to hear, see, and sing were quality folks. I must admit, there were some real seekers in that mall. Ryan has gifts with bringing people in to our space, a former clothing shop. Indeed, the public is interested in pilgrimage, journey and self-discovery. Here in the Maritimes people take the time to stop and talk, unlike the mega cities.

I must give a special thanks to Angiras, Kadamba Priya, Savyasacin and others in the Maritimes for arrangements made. We all feel a special connection to our guru, Prabhupada, who has so kindly given us a way of living that is soul-satisfying.

Source: http://thewalkingmonk.blogspot.com/2022/05/saturday-may-21-2022.html

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