Everyone in a rage by Bhaktimarga Swami


Gaurav was kind to give me a ride to my dentist's on Eglinton Avenue. My appointment was about receiving a new night guard – something a lot of people use to protect teeth from grinding down from stress and tension.

The dental clinic is great. The dentist and staff are very respectful to a swami. I'm grateful for their kindness and my device.

My appointment was finished after an hour, and Gaurav was just starting a meeting with his company in his car. "I'm going east on Eglinton – walking," I said. The arrangement was that he would pick me up when finished. What was supposed to be an hour's meeting turned out to be two hours. Okay by me. I just continued walking until I figured the sun became too much. The temperature was in the mid 20s Celsius. At Dixie, at a huge Canada Post building, I decided to wait by the shade at a convenient picnic table. And while there, I witnessed this commercial truck ram into a tall street light at a median on the road. Why the driver got there I couldn't understand, but that's what happened. There was a crashing noise. The lighting post got damaged; it was taken out of its base and landed on the truck. The name of the trucking company is 'Rogue'.

One woman, a motorist, stood there – she knows the corner. "This juncture is cursed."

Coming out of a bank nearby was a man, strong European-accented, who said, "The world is going crazy. Everyone is in a rage."

I asked the trucker if he was alright. "I'm fine," he responded, but you could see he was frustrated. He couldn't move forward as the post was tipped in such a way that any reversing, or otherwise, would do more damage. Such is the case of residing in this world of complexity.

The police came. Gaurav came. More mantras came from the lips of The Walking Monk.

Source: https://www.thewalkingmonk.net/post/everyone-in-a-rage

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